- thirteen -

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pierre's pov:

i was sitting at the restaurant francesca and me agreed on to meet at, i asked for a table way in the back last thing i needed was for someone to take a picture. waiting for her i was think what to tell her about aubrey, actually not knowing how she would react because the only thing we ever did when we hung out was basically fuck and go out partying.

my feelings for both of them where all over the place, like with francesca we were always having fun, i'm drawn to her for some reason but with aubrey... just having her next to me or hearing her laugh makes my day and i don't want to loose that or her.

someone touch my neck that makes me snap back to really i turn my head and saw her, she's got this sexy olive tan skin, big brown eyes, incredible long black hair, obviously a bikini model from brasil, yeah i think i have a thing for latinas, did i mention her lips?.

"long time no see" francesca said as she sat down putting her purse on the back of the chair.

"it hasn't been that long" i said trying to act cool still think about what the fuck to say.

"hmm... are you gonna tell me where you were the past few weeks?" she said with her elbows on the table fingers interwind and laying her chin on them. her eyes were piercing mine.

"well... you know i'm a busy guy, can't be partying all the time, you get that right?" i said looking away.

"cut the crap, who is she?" she said straight away taking a sip of the drink i order for her before she got here. why do women always sense something by just looking at you.

"wha- what?" she caught me of guard but just lifted an eyebrow "ugh... i met her at a club the night you got here, i'm not going to tell you her name before you ask".

"hmm is she prettier than me? or more famous? richer?" oo god.

"she's not famous or rich, she's just a normal person" i started to think about aubrey and the time we ate at the restaurant in the beach she looked so happy, i couldn't keep my eyes off of her. the way her smile just made my heart a little fuller, letting her hair down as her eyes shined when she danced with her friends, laughing when lando would make a disgust face as he took a shot, it was music to my ears.

fuck what am i doing here?

"hey!!" she said a little loud.

"sorry what?".

"i said i didn't understand why you fucked her if she's just average, it doesn't make sense, the pierre gasly that i know just fucks models" she said trying to downgrade aubrey "well i don't care as long as that ended, i'll can give you a pass just because i fucked max verstappen while you disappeared" she said like it was nothing, i looked at her like she had two heads "what? someone else had to entertain me and get me into the hottest clubs".

charles was right, i need leave i need to go and fix things with aubrey.

"i gotta go, nice chat and nice life" i said as i got up putting my napkin on the table and walking out. i could hear her calling my name. like thats gonna happen.

aubrey's pov:

i was drying the dishes as lando washed them, the rest were outside about to jump in the pool. it was beautiful day but i felt like bella from twilight in that scene where the months go by and she stares at the window because edward left.

"he should be home any second" lando said as he lightly bumped my hip with his "specking of the devil" uff you have no idea.

i turned and saw pierre's car in the driveway. just take a deep breath.

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