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aubrey's pov:

after pucking this morning breakfast and receiving a side eye from the uber driver, i cleaned my self up and got out the car i'm just glad it was pierre and the driver the only ones who saw what happened.

pierre was getting out stuff out the car when few staff members came out of the jet and help, i walked to pierre's side so we could get in the plane, i started to feel a little nervous because of the possible fights that could happened at any moment.

as we were going up my grip on pierre's hand got tighter, he was in front of me i didn't want to go in first. we pass the steward saying our good mornings and the first person i made i contact was with lando but i quickly looked away.

"hey guys" pierre said as soon as he saw them "how's everything?" he said putting away our carry on and then going to give lando a handshake and luisa a kiss on the cheek.

"hey mate, just waiting for you guys" he said in a normal tone.

"hey" i just said to lando and luisa with a wave so i wouldn't have to get close to them "did you wait long?" i sat down in a seat close to the exit while they sat in the middle back of the plane, pierre followed me.

"no we-" lando tried to say.

"yeah i thought you were not going to make it at all" luisa said cutting him off.

"yeah not a chance, after all we were the ones to book the plane" pierre said as he looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"so... i had such a great time last night, we should do it again" luisa said looking at me.

"umm yeah i was kinda tired so i wasn't really in the party mood to stay long" i said following with a fake smile.

"sorry if bring up about the pregnancy rumors upset you" she said "i thought they new" ummm WHAT?.

"i'm sorry?" i said turning my attention tu her.

"yeah i thought they new about the pregnancy" she said as she put her legs on top of lando's lap.

i looked at pierre and then back at her "what are you talking about? i'm not pregnant" i looked at lando who couldn't look at me.

"lando said you were, plus you can already tell you are" she said. i totally ignore the last comment because it's obvious she said it out of petty.

but "lando WHAT THE ACUTSL FUCK, why would you say something like that and to someone i don't even know" i looked at pierre who seemed to be trying so hard not to get up and beat the crap out of lando.

"umm sorry umm the rumor aren't true?" he said looking at pierre. this asshole can't even look at me in thy eye.

"mate... come on, of course there not but even if they were why would you go around saying they are?" pierre calming down but not breaching eye contact with lando.

"i'm sorry i thought they were true, sorry mate" yeah thanks for the apology.

"it's fine but you should also apologize to aubrey, she's the one you lied about" pierre said looking at me. we're both feeling the same way.

lying about the existence of your child is not the best feeling ever.

"no it's fine, it's whatever" i don't want to talk about THIS and HIM anymore "i'm gonna sleep a little bit".

thanks luisa for bringing up the pregnancy topic TWICE in less than 24 hours since i've meet you.

i turned to pierre's side and laid my head on his chest "i don't want to be here" i said so only he could hear.

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