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aubrey's pov:

he drove for a while, there wasn't a lot a places where we could go without him being recognized, so he asked if i wanted to go to his house he promise we're just friends and that he's not going to do anything to make me uncomfortable.

it's weird to be having this type of conversation in general but i did miss him, in a friend way, i think my feelings for him were because pierre wasn't sure of his which made me pull myself to lando, because he's there for me, being comfortable talking to him  brings me back to when we were in belgium and he tried to make me laugh while i was having the shittiest time, that's what i want from him and i just hope we can get there again.

we got to his house and it was pretty normal for a f1 driver, we went inside and right away you could tell it was a guys house, with all his race helmets, little decorations that he definitely did not choose. i stud in the living room not sure what to do while he went into the kitchen.

he walked back with some water and guiding me to sit down on the couch "what to talk about it?" he asked turning he's body in my direction.

"did you bring francesca?" in the car i realize the girl that was next to lando when we got there was francesca, he knew about what happened in mykonos and brought her anyways. are all race car drivers this selfish?.

"yeah... wait she's the girl from mykonos!?!" he asked but also realizing in the moment "shit sorry, i complete forgot... no wonder she kept talking about pierre" he looking at me "my sorry i really didn't know... or remember actually" he said touching my hand but moving it away.

"how is this my story with him? if it's not valentina it's francesca, so i'm always wondering if there's more!! i don't understand him, we had this beautiful dinner where we finally made it official between us ... i fucking said I LOVE YOU i don't say that to anyone" i put my hands on my face and lando putted my back.

"i'm sure he has an explanation aubrey" i lifted my face from my hands looking at nothing "you have to talk to him, you can't leave each time something bad happens".

i took a deep breath shaking my head "i told him i loved him so much it hurt, this is what i meant" i got up and went to the bathroom, i need to wash my face but every time i close my eyes all i see is them, my heart aches every time. i walk back to the living room but hear lando talking on the phone from the kitchen, i appear in his sight making a face so he could tell me who's on the other line, he mouths ric.

"yeah she's here with me" he said "no mate, we're friends now" he smiled at me "pierre wants to pick you up".

i grabbed his phone and walked away "dani please i don't want to see him... please" i said turning around looking at lando who's face was full of petty.

"aubrey you have to hear the guy out, nothing happened" he said on the phone.

"i saw them with my own eyes, don't defend him" i'm starting to get annoyed, i thought he was on my side.

"just give him a chance, if you want i'll go pick you up with heidi, you stay with us but in the morning pierre will get you, staying with lando is not a good idea mate" i look at lando he was close enough to hear what daniel said, he just nodded.

"ughhh fine whatever but if pierre shows up there i swear i'm not talking to you again" i said annoyed, i'm so tired at this point.

"you got it kid, see you in 10 min" i hung up the call and gave the phone back to lando.

"thanks and sorry for the drama again" i said hugging my arms "you always end up in the middle of my fights with pierre, it's not right so sorry for that".

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