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pierre's pov:

i kept looking at the clock every two minutes and aubrey still wasn't here.

i'm a very calm person so i don't jump into conclusions if there's no indication i need to, but since aubrey walked into my life and then said she was pregnant there's this huge overprotective feeling i have towards her and the baby, and that feeling started to raise up again when she was late to the race and she is never been late to anything in her damn life... ugh i need to calm down.

i left my phone in my drivers room so i can't call her or see if she called me, i'm about to go up to one of the girl to asked them to do it because i don't know if i can get in that car if i don't have news about them. just as i am about to move my team tells me it's time.

"no wait i have to call aubrey, i'll take a minute" i said to my team principal. i just need to know she's okay.

"no time pierre, but we'll tell your friends to call, don't worry she's probably just stuck in traffic" one of the mechanics said trying to calm me, she would call someone if she was.

but it doesn't work "sydney! can you please call aubrey? she's late and i don't have a good feeling" a worry in her eyes grows, i just turn around and get in the car trying to breath, trying not to panic.

she's okay, their okay.

sydney's pov:

jesus fucking christ, i mumbled as aubrey's phone went to voicemail for the 6th time. where is she? what if something happened? do we go look for her?.

"did aubrey get here?" pierre's voice went through the radio.

"fuck! she's not answering, we need to go find her" i said as i cut the call when i heard her voicemail mail for the 7th time. my hands are shaking and my chest is hurting, she's never late to anything so something happened to them. fuck!!
penelope and candace's faces drop and i can't even look at heidi, we needed to go.

"are you sure she's not asleep at the hotel? or just forgot her phone and is in traffic?" pierre's team principal asked "i don't want to tell him anything until we're sure".

"she uploaded a photo in her car so no, she's not in the hotel and she does have her phone, meaning something happened and we have to go" penelope said looking at her phone with aubrey's insta story in her screen. you can see her eyes crystalizing.

"don't tell him anything, he's in a freaking race right now so just wait for us to call back" my voice trembled at the end, i looked away grabbing my stuff and the girls not wanting to hear pierre asked for aubrey again.

we exited alphatauri's garage and started walking the paddock see if she got hold up somewhere but no luck.

"hey! what's wrong?" lando's voice rings through my ears as he approaches us with worry writing al over him, i guess our faces too.

"what are you doing here?" heidi asked before we could answer his question.

"dnf, i don't want to talk about it" he shrugged "what's wrong? the 3 of you look like you're about to cry and where's aubrey?" he said moving his head to look over us.

"we can't get a hold of her, she left the hotel half an hour ago and hasn't arrived, she's not answering her phone and pierre's is asking for her through the radio and we don't know what to tell him!!" i broke down.
my best friend, my pregnant best friend is missing and she was last seen in a car and i don't even want to go there. if she had an accident someone should've found her phone and called us.

"what?! wait... ugh what do you mean? did you see if her pass was used? maybe she is here and is vomiting or eating her weight somewhere" jesus lando "i'll go check, gimme to seconds".

we waited for him calling her phone again this time not even ringing meaning it turned off. FUCK!

"her pass wasn't used, she never got here" lando let out a deep breath looking at us for more ideas.

and that's when i realize "pierre is her emergency contact" i looked back searching for the alphatauri hospitality.

"okay... so?" lando said as i looked at the girls and they followed me to the building, they new what i meant.
we walked together hand in hand not daring to look at each other because one glance and we won't recover. once inside we asked for pierre's room letting the team member know who we were and the situation.

i opened the door wishing, praying, screaming to anybody that heard, that pierre's phone won't have missed calls.

"can someone tell me what's going on? i'm freaking out!" lando said passing through the door butting his nails.

"pierre's her emergency contact" he rolled his eyes "meaning, idiot, that if something happened to her they would call him, not us" candace said turning around looking for the phone. lando didn't say anything else.

"found it" penelope said with the phone in her hand, she turned it around and the screen leed up and his missed calls pop up from an unknown number, before we could even react it started to ring again.
we all look at each other not moving, paralyze with the fear of the call and what it means.
we new, we new that if we took the call everything would change, and this time not for the better.

lando walked in and grabbed the phone "hello" he was silent for a few second and then answers yes questions and then he looked at my eyes, then penelope's then candace's and then heidi's

we knew.

hey guys, sorry about the late updates
hope u like it

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