- sixteen -

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aubrey's pov:

as we sat outside of the yacht talking with pascal about my hole life and how our paths crossed with pierre, she would tell me story's about him and all i could think about was the life we're starting, building, growing together and at the same time the story's seemed about a person i didn't really know, everything's happening at just a fast pace that you can't really think twice.

i looked at pierre, he was with his dad talking to penelope as they played some card game, are eyes meet and always making me have this cense of security, love, like two seconds with out him were two month and that's too much.

"what are you talking about over here?" pierre sits down next to me and hugs me.

"that's non of your business sweetie" pascale said as she winked me and i laugh.

"mm fine, but i need to talk to aubrey just for a second, is that okay?" he got up and looked at us, we nodded, he grabbed my hand and led me to the back of the boat where we could get more privacy.

"we need to tell them now" i said as soon as we were far enough for no one to hear "she's telling me all these amazing story's about you and all i can think about is the baby... we need to do this now" i looked at his eyes.

"that's what i wanted to tell you, we should go now before i chicken out haha" he grabbed my waist as i put my hands on is neck "i'm actually excited to tell them".

"okay that's good haha i'm shitting my pants" i sighed leaning my head on his chest.

"don't worry it'll be okay" he tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

"let's go then" i gave him a smile.

you would think that with a reaction like that i would've said or done something but i couldn't move all my body did was create tears and let them down my face looking at what was happening in front of me, pierre screaming at his mom, his dad trying to get his mom to calm down, our friends just left when everything went to shit, wanting to give us privacy.

jean kept looking at me with the saddest face i ever seen, you could tell he didn't fully agreed with his wife's opinion and out burst, but i did or she's actually making me doubt myself.

it's great that pierre's defending me but he shouldn't have to go against his mom it feels wrong. the look on his face after what she said said about the pregnancy it's going to haunt me. he was so happy and excited to tell his parents and never expected this.

"how DARE YOU EVEN THINK THAT AUBREY DID THIS ON PURPOSE?!?" i looked away i couldn't bare to face his eyes "neither of us planned this, but we care for each other, we're independent and old enough to carry this on and i'm not letting no one i mean NO ONE insult her or my future child" he said as he looked as this parents.

"pierre always so naive, being a public figure with money, you're going to tell me you just magically meet one night and that's it? allez fils" she said really
not believing a word he said "she's a normal average girl, from a different country, don't get me started on her already being a fan... s'il vous plait think about this, i'm just looking out for you, i'm your mother" she sat down looking at him like she was telling him about her day.

room went silent no one new what to say, pierre sat down next to me grabbing my hand tight, his leg wouldn't stop moving this was really stressing him, pascale just sat down at the table while she sipped her tea waiting for one of us to say something, jean just looked like he didn't wanna be here.

i couldn't take anymore the disrespect towards me or the child, i'm eventually gonna be a mom so i need to learn how to stick up for her or him.

"... i didn't do this on purpose, i wanted an abortion the second i found out, thinking about how this could ever work when we have such different life's, he may have money and public recognition but i already know it's not all that glamorous. so if you think i'm doing this with the purpose of having money or be famous then you're dead wrong, also i think i shouldn't be giving you any explanation in the first place because i'm pretty sure if i was a model o rich in anyway we wouldn't be having this conversation" i look at pierre "so clearly the problem that you have is with me but im gonna chose to not care, you can talk to pierre about it i'm going home, i'll stan by your side but i can't stay right now and hear this, yeah?" he came close to me.

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