- twenty eight -

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aubrey's pov:

"what?" did i hear him right?.

"aubrey i-" he tried to touch my face but i moved away.

"no stop... you can't say that" my eyes already starting to water. fuck "just a few days ago i was contemplating moving back home because you don't know what you want, you made me doubt myself basically making me feel like shit, these pass few weeks have been so good to us but... we haven't even to all about being a relationship because of you and NOW you say you love me?" a wipe off the tear in my cheek "you're confusing me pierre and i'm not gonna say it back until YOU figure out what you want... but not going to wait forever".

"mou amour... i'm sorry i ever made you feel that away i was a jerk and should've handled the situation more differently but... i do love you you're like my best friend i want to tell you everything about my day, i want to have you always by my side more now the both of you, i was scared of how much i wanted to be with you i never felt this way, not even with valentina" he started walking slowly towards me "now i know what i want... you, it's always you" he grabbed my face.

"jesus christ pierre... i felled for you practically the night we meet or maybe the next morning and then everything changed" i said as i put my hand on my stomach letting go of a big sigh "you can't keep hiding this from me especially ex's i just don't want to be blind sided again".

"i promise, anything you want" he said.

"i just want you to honest... and in a few month a good dad, that's all that matters" i said looking at him.

"i'm here for you... both for you ce sont les meilleurs que j'ai" aaa love when he speaks french to me "you're the best best thing i have".

i just stared at his eyes not knowing if i should say it or not "... i love you" it really just rolls of your tongue doesn't it "just don't break my heart".

"never... je t'aime" his lips touch mine and this kiss was different i was filled with love that could finally be said out loud.

it was saturday and so das the weekend was go for pierre and his free practices i was with pascal walking to the alphatauri hospitality before quali started, as i was about to enter i heard my name being called.

"hey aubrey!" i turned around and saw lily.

"omg heyyy i thought you wouldn't make it" after meeting lily we've been in touch and i'm so happy about it it would be weird not being friends with at least one other wag in the paddock.

"yesss two canceled flights later in here, so whats up? let's catch up" she said not going in the hospitality. i looked at pascal and said i'll see her back at pierre's garage before quali starts.

"okayyy... pierre's mom?" she looked at me waiting for the details.

"yes she's a... piece of work but whatever" i laugh i haven't told her about the pregnancy i'm still debating who is trustworthy and who's not.

"have you guys made it official yet? i saw the ig story you uploaded of pierre" we walked to outdoor lounge sitting with a view of the paddock.

"we have" my smile grew "but only between us haha like you're the first to know".

"omg i'm so honored hahah" she laughed but the she stopped clearing her throat "okay look i want to ask you something but i don't want to offend you if i'm wrong".

"you're scaring me" i said tilting my head a little my smile long gone.

"is their a chance your pregnant?".

"what? wha- why would you say that?" my hole body was on fire.

"it's not because of how you look i just... i saw you yesterday and this morning running to the bathroom with your hand in your mouth and i've seen you touch your stomach now and again, i know those aren't real reason to believe but if i'm wrong i'm sorry i just wanted to know... that's all".

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