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pierre's pov:

"is she there?" i asked for the millionth time through the radio, sweat dripping down my face and as much as i know it's from the car, it's also from my nerves because no one is directly answering my questions "just tell me if something happened, please".

"pierre, the girls went to go get her, that's all they said" what? get her where? "please concentrate on the race, we're losing pace with daniel 3 seconds behind" my team said.

where did she go? what happened? why did all the girls need to go? what the fuck is happening?

i need to get out of this car.

aubrey's pov:

i opened my eyes and the blue ocean blinds me, until i see pierre standing by the edge of the boat, he turns and smiles like i'm his reason of living. it's still hard for me too believe we just get to come here on vacation, i still get emotional every time we go to a new place i haven't been, pierre laughs each time.

"what are you thinking about mou amour?" he kissed my forehead and sits next too me.

"you" he grins "us, our life" i smile at him.

"still can't believe it? hahah" i roll my eyes "i'm sorry my love" he takes is hand in mine "i'm happy you're happy" we look back to the ocean and see the water move a lot but not enough to alarm us.

"i can't wait until we can share this moments with the baby, it's going to be hard but definitely worth it" i turn to look at him and i can only see confusion on his face.

"what baby aubrey?" he lets go of my hand and stands up "what are you talking about?".

"what do you mean?" i stand up and go to touch my baby bump waiting for him to start laughing because this is a bad joke... but nothings there.

i look down and... nothing.

my head starts to spin and i can't see pierre anymore, only a bright light in my face and then i start hearing people and seeing them rush all around me... wait is this a hospital.

i try to move but a women in blue scrubs stands next to me "try not to move darling, can you tell me your name?" she grabs my arms and looks at a machine next to me.

i feel her cold hand on my arm but i can't seem to move my legs, omg what happened? "i-... umm aubrey nandez" my throat hurts, my arms hurt, my stomach- omg.

"don't move aubrey, i'm nurse eli you were in a car accidente, do you remember that?" she walks around me looking at other stuff.

"i'm pregnant" an accidente?.

another person comes in the room but she's wearing black scrubs with a lab coat, must be the doctor.

"hello... aubrey, i'm doctor alvarez and you were in an car accident, your at grand hospital we're going to take care of you and your baby, his in a little distress because you broke your leg so we'll take you up to surgery, the ortho doctor will meet you there and i'll join to monitor the baby's okay" she looks at me waiting for a responds.


"i'm so sorry, you didn't know the gender" she looks at the nurse for whatever reason "the baby is in distress because of the accidente and your trama, we need to take you to surgery right away, if not you can lose the baby, okay?"

"can you call pierre? his my boyfriend, he's an a race right now... please i need him" my chest starts to rise up and down in a fast motion, the machines next to me start to make loud noises "i need him next too me".

and then everything goes black after that.

pierre's pov:

"what the fuck do you mean she's in the hospital?" the race just ended and i'm pulling to the car to a stop to get out, i don't even hear what my team says over the radio.

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