- twenty one -

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aubrey's pov:

i got up from my bed as soon as i heard pierre's voice. how dare he even talk to lando like that?? it's thanks to him i not going crazy and packing my bags right now telling me that pierre must have a good explanation for what happened.

"she was crying, what was i supposed to do?" lando said his face being confuse and angry at the same time. i can't believe we're bringing your friends into this...

"she's my girlfriend you don't have to help her with anything, let alone be in a dark room together with out me" pierre got in his face while ilies put his hand on his chest to back him up from lando.

"girlfriend? pfff okay... i'm her friend, what the fuck is wrong with you mate?? you screw up again and your mad that i calm her down before you got here?? fuck you mate you don't deserve her" i creep through the door "i'm leaving, you're a real crap friend, you now that??" he turns around to face me "call me if you need anything" he gave me a smile and i nodded.

"she won't" pierre said as lando started walking through the hallway.

"whatever mate" he said as he disappeared turning to his room.

"ilies can you give us a moment?" i said giving him a short smile and turning to go back inside the room. i went to the bed as i heard the door close behind pierre.

i sat on the bed and look at him as he came closer, i just waited for him to start explaining. he didn't.

"okay am i supposed to ask or do you really think you didn't do anything wrong?" my face had confusion written all over it.

"nothing happend" he said trying to get closer to me. i got up from the bed and walk to the there side of the room.

"you're really going to play that card?! when were you going to tell my about valentina?? and before you say anything i don't care she'a your ex but you could've told me she was going to be there or AT LEAST THAT SHE EXISTED" tears started to appear "you clearly still talk to her, why didn't you tell me?".

"i didn't think it mattered, she's just a friend now" he shrugged his shoulders.

"don't you get how stupid you made me look you talking to her, making her laugh like that, she grabbed your arm, i saw it all" i sound crazy with the arm part "you can't blind side me like that, you could've handled this so differently, why do you keep hiding this type of stuff from me?? it's not even bad things pierre but by not telling me it makes me doubt your intentions towards me, us" the words came out making my body ache and feel so heavy.

"i don't have TO TELL YOU EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT MY PAST" i looked straight into his eyes a tear falling out, he couldn't for even two seconds, turning around looking the other way "i don't want or need to tell you every girl that i now or had a relationship with just because your jealous or something!!".

his saying all the wrong things.

"do you even want me here, do you want this kid pierre?!?" i grabbed his arm so he could turn around and face me "i don't need this, i don't need your mixed messages... are you just going along with this, us, so i don't go around and say you got me pregnant?" i lowered my voice and look down, terrified about asking what i been thinking since our first fight, not wanting to know the answer but i had to hear it.

"... i want the baby, but us... i think we rushed things, i don't know if i'm ready for a commitment that serious...".

"...you should go and celebrate the win you deserve it, you should take your stuff and sleep somewhere else, you deserve that too" i tried wiping the tears that keep coming down, i'm so tired of crying for him.

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