- thirty eight -

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aubrey's pov:

after having lunch on the boat, which i'm still surprise how well everything is going with my parents and pierre's i'm still kinda waiting for the shoes to drop but i'm happy everything is going so smoothly, just hope it last until they all leave on friday... just to more days. we went back to the house so my parents could sleep their siesta, which apparently is not that uncommon in europe or at least for older people, so jean and pascal decided to do the same.

with pierre and daniel we didn't want to wake or bother them so we're heading to go to the grocery and buy some stuff for to nights "gathering", i thought it would be a small thing but as soon as we got to the grocery store daniel went to the licor section. i miss drinking not gonna lie, at least the fun of it, pierre said he wasn't going to drink as long as i couldn't but that went out the door the night he won in spa but it's okay i don't mind if he drinks or not he doesn't really do it at all anyways.

as we pass through the licor section and snack section i had a nervous feeling in my stomach, i know it's not me being nauseous but actually anxious about how to nights gonna go... maybe it wasn't such a good idea to invite him. i know pierre's not going to do anything to lando or viceversa BUT i honestly don't trust lando alone with me or to be honest i don't trust my self either... i know i know what an idiot but pierre hasn't really actually touched me lately, yeah he makes his dirty comments now and again but what the fuck am i supposed to do with a dirty comment?? most nights he's tired from the race and know it's because of our parents being home... it's always something, i know i'm not huge yet but i have a feeling that being pregnant has a thing to do with it which is a shitting feeling to say the least because what's gonna happen when i'm seven eight months pregnant?? ughhhh.

i have so many things on my mind that i didn't even realize that we were already paying, apparently i day dream but in my case they were nightmares.

"i can tell him not to come" daniel said clearly reading my face, his really been able to know what i'm thinking with out even asking. i look in pierre's direction while he went to get the car.

"i actually miss him... and i hate my self for that" i turned and looked back a daniel "he really was there for me and i may have grown some feelings for him..." he tilted his head opening his eyes "but it's nothing, their probably the hormones anyway".

"kid... that's not good and probably not the hormones" he put one hand on my shoulder "pierre doesn't know?" he asked.

"none of them do and their not going to" i say giving him a look that says 'you tell and i'll kill you' "i love pierre but no matter how many times he says it back... i just can't get out of my head him doubting being in a relationship with me" my eyes start to water "plus the secrets... it's ALL TO MUCH" i say lifting my hands in the air and back down really hard. daniel puts one arm around me head hugging me tight as his other hand had a grocery bag.

"it's going to be okay, but in my opinion it's better a friendship than nothing at all... if you really want him in your life" he said "and don't worry about pierre i'll talk to him" he said with a firm look but then smiled. pierre comes around with the car and we get in going back home.

talking with daniel just made me a little more insecure about my relationship with pierre, since belgium i have this feeling that at any moment i'm going back home and the only person that's going to drive me to that is him but i don't know how to tell him i honestly can't do another fight... guess i'll have to wait after are parents leave or something.

we got to the house and saw are parents were having a few drinks before they leave, i'm not gonna lie but i still feel a little worried that something is gonna happen between my parents and pierre's, everything seemed fine and i know that my parents would tell me if it weren't but we started so wrong pascal that i genuinely think she prefers valentina being the one pregnant making me know her problem is me and to the baby, i just hope to night goes okay... with them.   

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