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6 months later

aubrey's pov:

i'm in my apartment with my friends which includes heidi and lily which we started talking after christmas, or more like i started to answer there texts and calls. i haven't really spoken to daniel or lando or lance, any pierre's close friend really.

it's been a year since we left for mykonos for a chill summer break, exited to start an new adventure all together and very much deserving of so. but everything changed in that trip and it was like my 2 week vacation turned to be a months long up and down roller coaster. there where great, awesome and beautiful moments but... nothing mattered after what happened and it's not going to change.

right know i'm happy with my friends making plans for summer break, lily and heidi came to visit argentina and next week we're off to lake como, italy. all i want is to do is read, drink alcohol and tan. i just hope no one ends pregnant and or heartbroken, they tend to kill the mood.

speaking of heartbroken, i been dating... ugh i know, the worst and that's why i only went on two and never dating again, they were so bad and awkward because they who i was and what happened in november so, let's just say there won't be seconds.
and regarding pierre we spoke once, well actually his people called my people (my parents) to let send them something, i didn't want to know so i just didn't ask.

life's been boring, which is not so bad after everything and it's just what i needed to move forward, i don't think i would been able to heal like i did if i was still in europe... but with that being said i miss pierre, and the house that i loved to clean, i miss race weekends like in general because i haven't been able to look at another race, which is just fucking shit because i was a very big fan and now i know if i saw him i would just cry.

i'm still healing from the lost of our child, and my leg is great but i never healed the loss of pierre, i know it was me who decided to leave but i'm not gonna lie and say i didn't sometimes wish he would randomly appear in my apartment saying he miss me too. i can't blame him for not doing that or come after me, i told him not to and i'm sure his mad at me and doesn't want to see me again but... i don't know i just miss him. i hope someday we could reconcile.

"excited for next week?" lily asked as she looked through my closet.

"ver much, i have some laundry to do before we leave but there's time" i said scrolling through twitter.

"daniel and lando will be there" heidi said laying on my bed next to penelope "they had it plan before us but if it's a problem tell me and i'll let them know" she said rushed.

"haha don't worry, it's fine" it really is "i would to see them again".

"charles apparently is going to japan, he learned i was going to italy and decided to travel to the other side of the planet" sydney said rolling her eyes as she sat in my desk chair.

"hahaha maybe he already had it planned" candace said and sydney gave her a look "or not" sydney and charles broke up because the rumors of him and forged girls would never end and sundry couldn't trust him so it ended and it's awkward apparently.

"maybe you'll finde some love in italy, they never disappoint" lily said even tho she's been with alex their hole life and never even kiss an italian "or there fun to look at hahah".

"as long as he's not french" i said and they stared at me, i haven't mentioned or spoke about him at all "jesus you guys could laugh" i said turning back to my phone.

changes - PIERRE GASLYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora