- thirty five -

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aubrey's pov:

"mamiii!!!" i said loud enough for my parents to turn around, i waved to them.

"hijaaa omg i missed you" she said giving me a tight hug "feels like ages, let me see my baby" she say looking at my stomach "you're barely showing".

"hahah yes, but i'm sure in a couple of weeks that's gonna change" i said then turned to my dad "hey dad" i hugged him tight "AAAAAA sydney, i've miss you so much you have no idea the thingssss i have to tell you" i hugged her.

"omg you have no idea the things i have to TELL YOU" she put her arm in mine. she quickly told me charles is coming to milan from monaco in two days and she was so nervous. i need to tell her about that charlotte girl.

"so how are you? how are you feeling? is everything okay?" my dad bombarded.

"i'm good, i'm good and everything is okay" the necklace. i cleared my throat.

"pierre how are you? how's the season going? i watched a few of the last races good points, congratulations on the win but how unfortunate the collision you had with that lando kid" my dad said.

"thank you diego, yeah that day was one to forget haha" he took my parents suitcases "but it's fine we got good points  in monza so we'll try to work harder to make up" he said.

"i'm sure you will" my dad said as we all followed pierre back to the car.

"so pierre when are your parents getting here?" my mom ask as we arrived at the car, pierre put the luggage away and we stepped into the car "their getting here tomorrow morning, so dinner is just us to night... well and sydney" he said and we laughed.

"heeey i'm great company" she said.

we decided to go straight to a restaurant and then back home because it was getting late and my parents were tired. we were already at the table once we finish ordering i asked sydney if she would go to the bathroom with me, she nodded.

"be right back" i said as i squeezed pierre's hand. he seemed fine living him with my parents they get along pretty well actually. we got to the bathroom and i didn't wait a second to tell sydney.

"i found a necklace in pierre's backpack with the initial VD" i said as soon as the door closed.

"i think charles is cheating, well we're not official but still, it hurts either way" she said. fuck i'm gonna kill him.

"lando is in love with me, or something" i added.

she started crying "i think i'm pregnant" omg "and i'm not strong like you... i don't want it" she couldn't stop crying.

"shit sydney... are you sure?" i said grabbing some toilet paper and giving it to her.

"no i just missed my last period... it's charles by the way but i don't even wanna tell him, i don't know what to do" she said. i can't believe one of my best friends are in this situation, fuuuck f1 drivers really don't know what to use a condom.

"okay okay don't worry we're going to go tomorrow to my doctor or do you prefer to just go buy a pregnancy test?" i asked while i rubbed her back.

"nooo i'm not taking a test, those things sometimes have it wrong and i don't need that when my life is about to fall apart" she said looking up trying to stop crying.

"i totally get it" i said looking at her with a smile.

"omg aubrey... i'm sorry i didn't mean that a baby ruins your life i i jus- it's just not something i want right now" she said putting her hands in her face.

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