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pierre's pov:

i've driven 250km/h with rush and adrenaline pumping all over my body it's an insane feeling mixed with excitement something i can't live without, but at this moment right now the feeling of not knowing what the hell is happening with her or if the baby is hurting... it's a different type of adrenaline i've never felt and don't wish it upon anyone.

sitting in the ambulance feeling the speed as the driver tried to pass the other cars, the only thing that was going 250km/h this time was my heart at the sight of seeing her with a oxygen mask going in and out of consciousness, i've never seen her like this and been more scared i don't know what to do or think, looking at the paramedic who's holding the mask and glancing at his watch and all i can do is grab her hand, it was a 10min drive but it felt like a life time.

we pass the hospital door but they stop me saying they need to take to an exam room and that they would look for me when they she's stable.

i grab my phone calling daniel letting him know about the situation and he doesn't hesitate on rushing with our other friends to hospital, even lando. i though on calling her parents but i know she wouldn't want to worry them if it wasn't totally necessary so i decided against it and wait. a few hours later a nurse came looking for me saying i could see her now, i turn back to see daniel and everyone "i'll text you what i know" i say to him.

"we'll be here" i look one more time in there direction taking a breath hoping for the best but expecting the worse, i close my eyes for a second and follow the nurse.

i go in the room and there she is, she's wake still with the mask on looking at the ceiling with a frown on her face, i couldn't really read her expression but i walk up to her sitting next to the bed putting my hand on her head and the other one in her arm "aubrey" her eyes look a me "omg you scared me! are you okay, what happened?" she didn't respond but a second later the doctor entered the room.

"good afternoon, i'm dr. stewart i treated aubrey when she came in and what we saw that she had low blood pressure and a high lack of oxygen going into her brain which was the cause of her fainting, but you're pregnant your hormones can cause your heart rate to increase along with the blood supply so when the blood vessels relax it cause you to faint and before that i'm guessing dizziness" she nodded "my diagnosis is that you had an anxiety episode severe enough to cause syncope which is not good seeing that you're pregnant, have you been in stressful situations?" she asked.

i look at my aubrey and couldn't help but feel guilty, it's my fault she's here i'm the reason she's stress out, i should be making her life easier not harder she's caring my child for christ sake, if something were to happened to her and/or the baby i wouldn't be able to forgive my self, she's the love of my life and i don't want to even imagen life without her.

"my boyfriend's is a race car driver so we travel a lot almost every weekend, it's maybe that" she said putting her mask back on, she's lying, that's the least stressful thing about dating me, she even told me.

"yes, pierre gasly right? i'm a big fan and because of that i know singapore and japan are next in the calendar so my recommendation is not going on that trip, it's the many hours on that plane that worries me" the doctor added.

"i can handle the hours, it's not a problem" aubrey responded right away "is there any else? do i need to take any medications?" she said she's trying to rush out of here.

"aubrey... this maybe not a huge medical diagnosis but it can lead to something very serious effecting not only you but your baby, if you're going to travel try at least to not engage in stressful situations" the doctor crossed her arms looking straight at aubrey.

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