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audrey's pov:

going public with out relationships was one things but letting the world know about my future child is not really something i wanting to just announce because the baby it's not only pierre's and mines but formula 1 driver pierre gasly and being in his life is really a challenge... i love it though but it's really stressing me out just the fact of people making up story which is going to happen.

"do we really have to tell? can't me wait when i can no longer hide it? i'm just no ready to tell" i said looking at pierre.

"we just want to catch this news before anymore rumors start" john said looking at me "but it's your choice" he said.

"i'll like to wait, i'll be careful but it think it would be better if we waited" i said looking between pierre and john.

"... fine" john looked at pierre.

"whatever she wants goes" he said backing me up making me smile on the inside.

we got up and left the meeting room getting ours things to head to the hotel, we started walking hand in hand back to the car and all the fans and photographers were there screaming and asking question, i tried to ovoid them but one girls question really caught my attention making stop in my tracks.

"do you really think you can trap him with a child?" she making me turn to whom ever said that but i couldn't fine her, pierre hear it too but he just grabbed me by my shoulders rushing to the car.

this is exactly why i don't want to say anything, i'm already getting mean comments and we haven't even confirm the news. i don't think i could handle right know bad, mean, jealous fans or so called fans. it makes my heart hurt that people would think that i want anything but good things for pierre and his career.

sometimes all i want to do it tell everything but then i think that i don't own anybody an explanation of my life... i get that there are fans, the real ones, that do care about him but their are those few ones that want him all to them self and who ever gets in their way is not in the best interest in pierre. and that's just something between him and his fans, i can't or want to get involved.

"what are you think?" pierre ask as we got close to the hotel.

"about all of this, your life and these type of news really are... crazy" i said giving with a mouth closed smile then looking out the window.

"it's going to be okay, we just need to be careful, everyone that need to know knows" he put his hand on my lap.

"i know i just hope we get more time with this news just between us" i said looking back at him but i could feel tears coming in my eyes... i'm getting tired of cry all the time.

"we will, we'll try at least don't worry" he said as we got to the hotel.

it saturday and fp2 finish, i was sitting in the lounge on top of pierre's garage waiting for quali to start. i got up and want to look out to the pit lane and you could see other guest from other teams, as i looked to charles garage i could see hay girl i walked in on him... what was her name? charlotte? i gonna call sydney as soon as i get to the hotel, something going on, she really hasn't talked about her trip to monaco next week and every time i bring it up she gives we short answers and changes the subject. i hope he didn't do anything to her.

my sight keep on wondering though the pit lane and the rest of the lounges balcony, i saw lando looking up to his balcony waving to someone i directed my eyes to the person he was looking at and it was a girl she looked beautiful and was smiling so big at him, that's when he notice my looking at him making me turn around and going back inside.

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