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aubrey's pov:

we leave baggage claim and head to the exit where pierre's parents were waiting for us.

i turn my head to see him as his eyes found his parents, pascal burst out in tears while jean just had his arm around her waiting for pierre to get closer.

put in french
"ooo darling" she wrapped her armas around him "dieu merci, tu vas bien, je ne pouvais pas croire ce que je voyais, tu m'as tellement fait peur" (thank god you're okay i couldn't believe what i was seeing, you scared me so much) she said.

jean landed a hand on pierre's shoulder "c'était un soleil effrayant" (it was a scary one sun) he shakes his head not being able to keep talking.

i walked up to jean and rubbed his back "the doctor did a full check up, he's okay" i said trying to assure them he was fine even tho i can't even imagine what they went through.

"aubrey" pascal walked to my side as we headed out to the car "how are you feeling, this was a stressful moment" pascal has really grown to like me lately which is good but i feel pressure of trying not to make a mistake.

i touch my stomach with one hand as the other pushed my suitcase "it was a scary day but as always we mange" i smiled getting to the car. we headed to pierre's family home and it made me a little nervous being my first time here or in france at all.

going to see the childhood home of the person you love is so nerve racking because i believe its a intimate part of there life that not everyone gets a chance to see, even more when it's people with his life style, privacy is such an important part of there life's and me being able to be part of his is heart warming.

"aubrey?" pierre called out for me snapping me back to reality "did you hear what i said?" he asked.

"sorry i was just looking out the window, it's so pretty".

"it is and i want to show you some of my favorite places but first i wanted to ask i if you prefer going out for lunch or just go to the house and eat there" pierre asked with his eyes pierced on my face.

"umm i don't know, i'm fine with whatever you pick" i said not wanting to bother.

"ugh you always do that" he sighted and then chuckled "let's go eat and then will go home and relax, what do you say?" i nodded squeezing his hand.

he nodded back to his dad, who was driving.

after dinner he headed to pierre's house, as he got there i analyzed it from inside the car as we drove up into the driveway, it seemed a very normal family house all white with black details, it was big tho but it's a given when you have 5 children and some grandchildren which made it fun because there always someone there. it made me miss my family.

pierre let me know that his brothers are coming tomorrow for lunch as he walked me to his room while showing me around. i started to unpack our stuff even tho we're only staying two nights.

after the crash pierre has to go to alphatauri hq to see what the problem was during the race and how to prevent fro me it happening again, plus he also has a check up with their doctor just to clear him for driving again for the next race in the US.

i also have a appointment with my ogbyn back in milan, pascal insisted i go after the... stressful event taken place but i do feel fine considering everything, morning sickness feels like it only happens every other months which is whatever, i already know what foods to stay away from.

pascal and jean pass through are room to say good night and thanking us for coming, i was sitting in the bed waiting for pierre he went up to them and hugged them tight, it felt like a much needed hug between them, i looked down and rubbed my stomach not wanting to say anything that would ruin their moment.

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