Chapter 43

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As soon as I was out of the crowded city, I started jogging.

It was now completely dark and Namjoon must be so worried. I always made sure to come back before it got dark.

When the bushes leading to the creek came into view, I broke out into a sprint, bashing through bushes and branches. I would have been quicker as a bird, but then I wouldn't be able to carry all of my clothes, shoes, and the large container of food.

I kept running until the tunnel came into view. I whisper-yelled, knowing that Namjoon would be able to hear it. Soon enough, his head popped out of the entrance.

"What the fuck happened? Are you ok? How's Jungkook?" He started bombarding me with questions as soon as I got to the entrance of the tunnel, grabbing my arms and checking my body for damage.

He was panting and his hair was a mess, face creased with lines of worry.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll explain, everyone is ok though" I tried to catch my breath.

"Where did you get this?" he said, voice dropping an octave as he grabbed the container.

He would definitely be able to smell the other hybrids on me now.

"Ok, before you freak out, Jungkook is safe, okay? He's alright, he's safe, he's being looked after" I got out, still panting and dropping to the floor of the tunnel to sit down.

"Seokjin?" Namjoon said in a warning tone.

"My friend, who's shed we were borrowing, got very drunk so I helped her home. Her hybrids invited me in to say thanks, and then Jungkook started shuffling around in the shed"

I rattled off the condensed version of events as Namjoon looked at me suspiciously.

"The others were suspicious, so I decided to just tell them Jungkook was in there" I mumbled quietly.

"You... YOU WHAT?" Namjoon yelled.

"Joon! It's ok! He's saf-"


"Sshhhh! Stop making so much noise!" I tried to calm him down as he stormed around the tunnel.

"As soon as they saw his injury, it's like something clicked in them and they just became these protective mother bears. They let him have a shower, and fed us dinner. I promise he's okay!"

Namjoon still looked furious, but at least he stopped stomping around. He clenched and unclenched his fists, his tail bristled up and stiff.

"They made some food for you too..." I meekly pushed the container towards him.

"Where..." Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. "Where is Jungkook now?"

"He's sleeping in their spare bed" I said quietly, fiddling with my fingers.

Namjoon said nothing, simply walking to stand in front of me, and falling down onto his butt to sit in front of me.

"I promise he will be ok, I could even smell that they were releasing calming pheromones for Jungkook while he ate. He'll be safe there"

He sighed deeply, elbows resting on his knees, and head in his hands.

"I swear, if anything happens to him..." he became quiet.

I shuffled closer to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Joon, I know it's hard when we aren't together, but I promise he will be safe there. He can keep his wound clean, he'll be well fed and warm, and get plenty of rest. It's the best option for him right now."

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