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One hour and twenty-three minutes have gone by since the plane took off and neither Lucas nor Jocelyn has spoken a word. Both teenagers done their own thing, Jocelyn was listening to music and Lucas was reading a book. But it was obvious Lucas wanted to speak.

Every time Jocelyn would shuffle in her seat, he thought she was about to take out her earbuds and give him a chance to speak. But each time he was met with disappointment, discovering she was just shuffling to get comfortable. He would slouch back in his seat and wait till the next time she moved. 

Jocelyn knew he wanted to talk but didn't want to do it here. They were quite literally surrounded by her friends that could overhear everything and this was a private conversation Jocelyn wanted to do alone. But after an hour and twenty-five minutes past, she couldn't listen to another Taylor Swift song anymore.

Sliding her earbud out and reaching forward in her backpack stationed between her legs, she pulled out To Kill a Mockingbird. Lucas sat up taller in his seat realizing he was finally getting a chance to talk and for her to listen.

"Can we talk?" He asked quietly, cautious to not let Mary Jane, Alex, or Ned overhear. Jocelyn pursed her lips and looked down at her book, not wanting to make a scene but didn't want to talk to him either.

"Can't we do this later?" Jocelyn asked softly, opening her book to the indented page not bothering to look at him.

Lucas frowned and closed his own book. "No because you're just going to ignore me like usual." He snapped back.

Jocelyn whipped her head up and narrowed her gaze in anger. "I don't ignore you." She snapped back in a loud whisper.

Lucas took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders, not wanting to start a fight here. "You're right, I'm sorry." He explained and Jocelyn scoffed at the apology. He said it so easily yet failed to apologize for the one thing they're fighting about. "I-I'm sorry for everything. I really, truly, am. And now I'm realizing that those gifts were a stupid idea since you never responded to any of them but I'm new to this...relationship stuff. I don't know what to do or how to make it better." He admits. Reaching over, he placed his hand over Jocelyn's looking at her intently. Jocelyn looked down at their hands and sighed at his touch. "I want to make this better, Jocelyn. You mean so much to me. Please tell me how to say how sorry I am for saying for such a disgusting comment? Dammit, Jocie. I-I hate fighting with you. Tell me how I can apologize to make this better. I'll do anything Jocelyn. You're my best friend, I can't stand it when you're mad at me." He frowned, rather begging Jocelyn to tell him how to fix his mistake.

Jocelyn let out a deep breath and looked up at Lucas. She saw the pain and guilt in his eyes. The sorrow he expressed proved how upset he was about this. How guilty he felt inside. This was truly just what she wanted. For Lucas to express how sorry he was verbally instead of through gifts. Looking at him right now, she saw how guilty and upset he was. 

Her lips raised in a soft smile, placing her other hand over Lucas' leaning back in her seat. "Apology accepted." She sighed. Lucas smiled widely and gave her hand a squeeze in relief. "Thanks for the apology, Lucas." She muttered, rolling her head aside to look at Lucas.

"Thanks for accepting it." He teased earning a small giggle from Jocelyn. Getting an idea, Lucas leaned forward and scrambled through his bag in search for something. He pulled out a small white piece and held it in his palm towards Jocelyn. Her eyebrows raised at the little device.

"A dual headphone adapter?" Jocelyn questioned.

Lucas nodded and pulled out his phone, flipping it on to open the movies app. "I downloaded Star Wars for the flight and was hoping that I'd be able to watch it with you." He admitted with a sheepish smile.

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