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Peter's POV

Peter always imagined how much his life would change the day Jocelyn Evans became his. He thought maybe there would be fireworks in the skies or applause wherever they walk, celebrating the union of the two finally getting together. Regardless, he always imagined how much better his life would become. How could he not? Jocelyn Evans liked him! He would feel like a king.

But what he did not expect was to lose her within 24 hours.

The fight in Belgium came to Peter in flashes when he woke up in a prison cell. He remembered Jocelyn and himself getting picked up by Fury, exploiting Beck, and everything disappearing into a hologram. That was one of the last times he saw Jocelyn. Once she got struck by that drone, he shot the drones gun with a web and went to run after Jocelyn to find her just gone. It didn't make any sense at the time. But Peter now realized that Beck used the drones to hide her from him. While Jocelyn was fighting with holograms Beck was forcing her to see, Peter was dealing with the same thing. Beck showed him terrible things, including Jocelyn's gravestone. The thought terrified him that he could lose Jocelyn again.

But he thought it was over when Fury appeared by shooting Beck in the back. The hologram dissolved and he thought that everything would be alright. So, he told Fury who else knew about the holograms eager to go find Jocelyn. Unknowingly giving Beck a list of his friends names to hunt down and kill. After he finished telling Fury, he had a strange urge to look past Fury. He didn't know why he felt such an urgency to look past Fury but before he knew it, his eyes stared Jocelyn's body lying on the concrete. Her suit was covered in blood while she laid there unconscious.

By the time he blinked, she was gone and he was struck by a train. The last sight he saw was Fury fading into Beck with a smug grin and the image of Jocelyn bloody body stained his memory.

When he awoke up in the Netherlands behind prison bars, he felt claustrophobic. He needed to get out of the prison cell and call Happy immediately. Emotions overwhelmed him but he was dead set on making Beck pay for what he done. He took Peter's kindness for granted, possibly killed Jocelyn, and destroyed his life. The man deserves what was coming to him.

Currently, Peter was limping through a large tulip field towards an expensive jet. An oversized orange shirt and black sweatpants covered his frame due to how his suit was taken from him while in custody. His whole body ached as he moved and his face twitched in pain but he pushed himself forward. His lip quivered, holding back his emotions to the best of ability. The image of Jocelyn's dead body kept flashing in his mind. But he had to remain strong. For himself and for Jocelyn. He refused to think she is dead until he sees the body or Beck tells him.

She just can't die, again.

The jet door opened and a worried man stepped out dressed in a formal tux that hugged his chubby figure yet contrasted to his worried expression. Happy froze at the top step, stunned at the sight before him. In worry, he immediately began walking walking down the jet stairs towards Peter with his steps quickening each step. 

"Peter? Are you okay?" Happy shouted stepping into the field of tulips.

"H-Happy? Is that you?" Peter questioned in hesitancy, holding back a groan as he applied too much pressure to his left leg.

Happy glanced down at himself confused and continued walking towards Peter. "Yeah, of course it is me." He replied confused, glancing back up at the boy.

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