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(Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran)

Fortunately for them, the summer heat dried their clothes from their swim before they arrived at their second location. Luckily, the location wasn't as bad as the first. Jocelyn, Peter, Michelle, and Ned found themselves at the campsites playground where some kids were playing a game of tag where they found their next clue. Other than Michelle accidentally making a child cry, the next clue was quite easy to find. It was taped to the top of the playground with some blue painted rocks.

How Mr. Harrington got there remains a mystery. But with Peter's superhero agility, he didn't have any issue getting to the top.

The last clue though definitely had them stumped and they mindlessly walking around the forest in hope to stumble upon it.

On top of the crown I sit, scorning the horizon from below.
Watching every morning and night the sun aglow, with not a sound in sight.
Yet I attract many travellers who are eager to absorb such beauty.
But beware for the thorns on the stem that scare many off or reveal such beauty to those risk-takers.

"What the heck does aglow even mean?" Ned muttered behind Jocelyn, stepping over a fallen log that was on their path and his hair a mess from the previous swim.

"It means glowing. But this could mean anything." Michelle sighed from behind Ned, ducking under a branch that was about to smack her. "It could mean a mountain-"

"Or a top of a tree." Jocelyn added on, jumping off a fallen log and falling in line behind Peter who was leading them once again. 

Evans brown hair was twisted back in a bun that was still damp from the water from earlier. Luckily her clothes dried quicker than her hair and wasn't irritating her that much. But she couldn't deny the stiffness in her joints from the activities in the past day. She was physically drained. But she refused to let her friends know that she was about to fall asleep from exhaustion. This was their vacation, too. So, she would be damned if she ruined it with her complaints.

Peter sighed. "Or the cliff where we just came from." He admitted pushing a branch up out of his face and held it up for Jocelyn behind him. She flashed him a smile in response and took the lead on the path as he held it for his remaining friends.

"Okay, okay." Jocelyn stopped in the small open area and turned around to face her friends placing her hands on her hips. The three friends stopped in front of her all frustrated and tired of how long this is taking. "We have to think this through. Mr. Harrington wouldn't choose a place that was hard to find and the last two places were on the campground's map. Which mean the third and final location should be on the map too."

Michelle nodded in agreement. "But that could take us all night and we don't have that time. Can't we just cheat again?" Michelle grumbled and pouted like a child, crossing her arms stubbornly.

Peter shook his head. "This scavenger hunt. It shouldn't be this hard."

"Yet it is."  Ned frowned.

"Come on! We are all straight-A students at Midtown High! Peter, for goodness sake, you are going to be valedictorian at our graduation! Michelle, you are the leader of the Decathlon club! And Ned, you have won our schools science fair for the past three years in a row! How can one silly riddle stump all of us?" Jocelyn argued.

Michelle rolled her eyes. "And you are a superhero who refuses to use her powers."

"That's enough, MJ. She isn't using her powers to cheat." Peter intervenes and narrowed his eyes on Michelle.

Bad Liar - Peter Parker x OCWhere stories live. Discover now