4•"Tomorrow is your big day"

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One day

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One day.

One day is left at my wedding.

Only one day is left at my funeral.

And then I'll be married.

Married to someone whom I have seen my whole life but haven't got the guts to have a single civil talk with.!

What the heck made me land In this situation?

It's 9 in the morning and I already felt tired of this day. My life can't get messier now. Yesterday night, basically today's morning when I had a talk with him he very easily announced that tomorrow we will get married while looking directly into my eyes with a determination that scares the shit out of me.

He, not for once looked hesitated to utter those horrible words, and here I am shaking like a leaf in Strom after I realized his words.

The whole Night I was just thinking about what made papa take a such decision or what made Xavier accept this.

But I found nothing.

The morning rolled and I was wide awake, just thinking and thinking. And right now I was sitting on my seat at the dining table with all the family members around except him.

I was playing with my napkin gathering all the courage to speak. I needed to talk this instant or otherwise, I don't know whether I'll ever get any chance as he already announced our wedding day.

Taking a deep breath I looked up at Papa who was eating silently and then at Maa who was looking at all of us while eating.

"Is there any problem Iris?"

Maa asked softly. Her voice startled me and I looked at her with a shocked face and gasped a little. Seeing the reaction Papa put his spoon down and looked at me concerned.

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