21•"Xavier, who is Athena?"

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So do you all expect me to beg everytime for votes?

Or you all think my efforts aren't enough for votes?

I am so done with you all! So so done..!

*****Not edited******

Enjoy ♥️

Enjoy ♥️

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"Xavier! And I thought you'll stay in your room rather than coming in this gala"

I was sitting on a table with him being extra close to me when I heard this voice. I turned toward the voice only to see someone who isn't unknown to me.

Adrian Parker.

Xavier closest friend for all I know. In there teenag stage he use to visit quite frequently but as they grew up, he visited us less but his friendship with Xavier was still same.

Getting up I looked toward him who was already looking at me with a unreadable emotions.

"Hello, Iris? What should I call you? As you are my sister in law now?"

My face went red. I don't know why but he always teases me And when Xavier is present around he is another case. He behaves like we are best friends but only I know and I think of him as Nothing more than a crazy and brave man.!

Because come on..he is Xavier's friend!

"Iris is fine..."

I said in low voice. I don't want him to go further with his teasing. I don't want to embarrass me and him both.

He laughed at my response and I just twisted my lips. Soon we again sat on the chair. I looked around to cut down my curiosity. How much I want to act as a mature women I can't. I mean look at the ladies present here.

They are carrying themselves with a great confidence and sophistication. Whereas me! My eyes can't stop wandering around.

"I'll just come in a minute. Stay here"

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