26•"The thing I'll do with you kitten"

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"We need to talk"

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"We need to talk"

I said ignoring her birthday wish. I so wanted to enjoy the feeling I got when I realized she remembered my birthday but the anger I had in me wasn't letting me.

Saying this I hanged up. I know I hurt her, I know she must be crying but I am hurt too. Why she always has to do the opposite of what I ask her to?


Here from last one month I am trying to mend things between us, controlling my anger around her. Why? So that we both can lead a happy life together but for whom I am doing this thing when she doesn't value it.

I was lost in my thoughts when my cell ringed. I looked at the caller ID, it was unknown. My expression changed realizing it was the same number from which I got that video.

Picking it up I stayed silent until I heard her.

"Xavier Xavier, what a pity.."

Saying this she started to laugh. As soon as i recognized her voice i felt myself getting angry all over again. My hand turned into fist hearing her annoying voice.

"I assume you already saw that video, and what a fucking turning point it was. For whom you are doing all this, for whom you threatened to kill me, doesn't have anything for you. What a pity she doesn't want you."

Hearing her I frown. What does that mean?

"What the fuck are you saying.".

I hissed. My mind going to that video again. There wasn't anything which can prove she doesn't want me. But again it can be more than what I saw.

"Take this as your birthday gift from me. Your wife! Who is the most precious thing to you was almost begging my daughter to take you back as her boyfriend"

Saying she busted into a fit of laughter. I froze hearing her.

No she didn't.

Iris can't do that.! We were doing fucking fine.

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