53•"Yes sir, got it."

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"And that's not even close to the maximum

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"And that's not even close to the maximum. So don't ask me if you have that much effect on me," he said, his voice low and intense. "The answer is yes, you do. You have all the effect on me.Sì?"

As he poured out his confession, his words flowed like a river, carrying with them an undercurrent of sincerity that swept me off my feet. There was no hesitation, no hint of male ego that might have been bruised by accepting that I do have effect on him. But here we weren't talking about anyone but my Xavier. His focus was solely on me, and the intensity of his gaze held me captive.

My heart quickened its pace, beating in rhythm with the raw emotion that pour from him. I felt myself drawn into the depths of his eyes, losing myself in the swirling emotions reflected there. His words, the sincerity in them seeped into my veins, infusing me with the feelings he so desperately wanted to convey.

In that moment, I were transported to a realm where time stood still and only the two of you existed. His words painted a vivid tapestry of emotions, weaving a spell that left me breathless. I felt a profound connection with him, a sense of understanding and soul connections that go beyond words.

As his confession unfolded, I felt a kaleidoscope of emotions wash over me. One of them was love. There was joy, There was a sense of vulnerability, yet also a newfound strength. I realized that I mattered to him in a way that I had never imagined, and that realization filled me with a warmth that radiated from within.

His words had the power to unlock hidden chambers of my heart, revealing emotions that I had long suppressed. I felt a surge of love, a belief that, I had finally realized my undying love for him.

In the midst of my swirling emotions, I found the courage to pour out my heart to him. I wanted him to feel the depth of my love, to know that my heart beats in rhythm with his even if he hadn't confessed yet. I yearned for him to understand that my love is a sanctuary where he can find whatever he is searching for, whatever he is seeking for.

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