chapter twenty-four

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"Younghoon, I—"

"Stop lying to me Hyunjin. You can tell me anything, you know that right?" Younghoon tried to step forward towards Hyunjin but the other only moved back.

"I don't believe I can when you believed a stupid voice recording without even hearing my side of the story." Hyunjin's harsh words made Younghoon realize he was only in the wrong.

"Alright, I'll listen to you. What's your side of the story?"

Hyunjin gulped out of nervousness before spilling out everything that happened.

"The boy you saw me with...His name is Jiwoon. And—he's actually my..." Hyunjin felt his eyes water while he was trying to explain the whole situation.


"I met him in middle school and he did a me."

Younghoon was confused fore a split second before the realization hit him. His eyes widened and finally saw a tear drop down Hyunjin's cheek.

"I tried to get away from him so I left my old high school and transferred here, hoping he wouldn't find me but..He managed to track me down and—"

Hyunjin instantly broke into tears and Younghoon started to panic.

"Hey it's okay, slow down. Don't be so quick about this..."

"I'm s-sorry..."

Younghoon rubbed the others back as a sign of comfort and waited till Hyunjin calmed down a little.

"So when you said he did a lot to you...Do you perhaps mean he..harassed you?"

Hyunjin nodded.

"I'll tell you the rest later but please don't tell anyone-"

"Why? You're living in complete pain right now! We have to put an end to this immediately."

"No! I wasn't supposed to tell anyone and if this spreads around school, he said he was gonna hurt all of you guys..."

"So you're just gonna let him do this to you?"

"I don't have a choice, Younghoon."

The two finished up their conversation after Hyunjin told he was supposed to be back after 15 minutes.

Little did they both know, Jiwoon was watching the whole entire conversation.


Chan and the others were continuously listening to the voice recording that was spreading around the school. Jeongin was focused on both voices and one of them was indeed Heiran.

However, the boy noticed how the voice that was supposedly Hyunjin's, didn't sound right. Sure, it did sound kind of like the boy, but not really. Jeongin knew something was not right but he kept silent.

Daehwi soon caught on too and looked at the others. He made eye contact with Jeongin before it broke after a few seconds.

"Aish! I can't believe he would do such thing.." Minho grumbled and slammed his fist on the wooden table out of anger.

Jeongin and Daehwi stayed silent throughout the conversation the others were having. They were observing.


Jiwoon slammed the other against the wall and slapped him across the face, causing his cheek to go red.

"We made a deal, Hyunjin. Never tell anyone who I really am. You broke it off." Jiwoon spoke while stepping closer to him.

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