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"Wrong car, fucker," a familiar voice growls. 

"You..." Yoongi whispers with hatred.

"Taehyung..." you breathe out. Did he actually never leave the property of the hospital?

Yoongi tightens the grip around you and once again you are harshly reminded of the blade on your throat. "Get out of the car," Yoongi demands.

Taehyung rests his elbow on the opened car window and chuckles. "Or what?" Taehyung asks with a cheeky smile.

Yoongi groans, "Or what? Are you blind? I have a hostage and I will-" Taehyung interrupts him, "You will kill her? I highly doubt that." 

Yoongi clicks his tongue in annoyance and you notice that he is getting more and more nervous by the second. He will get arrested if he doesn't find an escape plan soon. Yoongi starts to look around, checking out the surroundings. He seems to be looking for another escape plan. 

When Taehyung notices Yoongi's nervousness, he chuckles and says, "It is over, Yoongi. Give up."

"Get out of the car! Right now!" Yoongi yells.

Taehyung sighs, but he actually opens the car door and gets out of the driver's seat. He is now standing right in front of Yoongi and you. 

Then Taehyung says, "Yoongi, you and me. We are both messed up and we both have done things that are just utterly insane. But you? You are completely out of it. You are beyond salvation."

"Shut up,"  Yoongi hisses while still holding you close.

Taehyung smirks, "The police should be here very soon and then you will be arrested and locked behind bars forever. And don't worry, I will take good care of Y/N. Doesn't that sound great?"

This sends Yoongi over the edge. Taehyung took it too far. Yoongi pushes you to the side and charges toward Taehyung with the knife still in his hand. Yoongi attacks Taehyung with the knife but Taehyung just easily avoids the attacks.

"Y/N, run! I will take it from here," Taehyung exclaims while dodging Yoongi's knife attacks. 

You take a few steps backward but it feels like you can't run away. You know that you should run, but your legs seem to be stuck in place as you watch the two men fight again

Will this never end?

Just waiting until the police arrive so they can arrest Yoongi is an option theoretically, but you know, Yoongi would come back for you, one way or another. He avoided jail before, who says he wouldn't manage to do that again?

Taehyung is right. Yoongi is beyond salvation; beyond repair. There is only one way for this to finally end. 

The two men are still fighting, and Yoongi still has the upper hand because he has the knife. But, Yoongi has not managed to hurt Taehyung. He is unfocused. He is not in the right mind. His usual flawless attention and calculated steps are gone. He completely lost it.

This is your chance to end it all.

However, you haven't managed to move a single muscle since the fight started.

"Y/N! I told you to run!" Taehyung screams at you.

"No," you mumble.

"The fuck you mean 'no'?" Taehyung quizzes as he dodges another knife attack from Yoongi.

Your hands form fists as you speak, "He will find me. It doesn't matter how far I run. He always comes back."

Yoongi only chuckles at that conceitedly.

An Idol is my Sasaeng?! 2 | Min YoongiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon