Chapter 1 - Beginning

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  Third person pov

  On that July morning, as he walks up to his locker to store his bag, Kevin knew that a bunch of mean kids from his class, who comprised of white kids, will come to him and make fun of his looks. But Kevin didn't care at all. So, upon arriving at his locker, he opened his locker, stored his belongings, get his necessary notebooks, textbooks, and stationery, and went to class.

  At his classroom, Kevin entered in, greeting his friends good morning, before going to his seat and settled in in relief for today. But, suddenly, a bunch of white kids, the usual ones Kevin have to watch out for, went to his seat and started to tease him for his looks, despite Kevin wearing a jacket. Annoyed by them, Kevin didn't retaliate nor retort, and just pulled out his smartphones, put on his headphones, played a song in his smartphone, and ignored their taunts. Then, one of them started to hit Kevin in the shoulders, prompting one of Kevin's friends, a white kid named Joseph Worth, to intervene and retaliate with bravery.

  "'Are you going to 'man up,' huh?"' the bully mocked him in response. His fellow white friends then laughed about it.

  "No, you should leave that kid alone," retorted Joseph back.

In response to that, that bully pushed Joseph to the floor by force. This prompts Kevin to take off his headphones and help out his friend.

  "Are you okay?" he asked Lanny in concern like an anime character.

And then, that same bully pushed Kevin away, telling him not to interfere. But Kevin was sympathetic, so simply asked him not to hurt Joseph, before sharing the Bible verses he knew. This was the work of Leon, one of Kevin's personalities, and was described as a 'saint' and a 'pastoral priest.' He was partially responsible for Kevin's conversion to Christianity at the age of 10.

  So, naturally, the bully got annoyed by Kevin's sermons, eventually leaving him alone, walking away as Kevin watched him from afar.

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