Chapter 32 - A Lonely Day

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Kevin's pov

  The next morning, before the sun was there, I, as Kako, woke up at 5:33 a.m. As the normal Kevin, I managed to get a nice good night sleep last night. I then get up, grabbed my katana and some daggers, and went outside. I decided to do some training so I went to an obscured area of the base and began my 30-minute long training session. No one was around me so I could do my training in peace. In this training, I worked on my swinging and slashing because I wanted to improve my skills for future battles. This lasted for half of the training session, and after that, I worked on my throwing skills using my daggers. I did that towards a tree as my target practice. In my imaginary world, I was in the barracks of the capital city of Riseville, Matsu. The real Kevin was still resting because he was tired from yesterday's discovery and adventure. The same was true for Leon, Kakeru and Toshi. But, Kiyoshi wanted to journal about this morning and study World Geography, so my throwing session only lasted for 10 minutes in order to give him the spotlight.

  After that, I went back to my room to drop my daggers and have some quick breakfast. There Ron, Juan, and Maria are already having a hearty breakfast, so I just grabbed a bowl and a spoon and eat up with them. The food seems to have been delivered by the survivors earlier.

  "Morning, Kev," Ron while eating.

  "Um, I'm Kako," I replied back.

  "Oh! Sorry, Kako," Ron apologized to me almost immediately, "didn't see it."

  "That's alright. By the way, Kiyoshi-senpai wanted to study World Geography before resuming junior high in the Philippines."

  "I see. Okay then, but don't go too far from here, okay?"

I then said that line in Japanese.

  After drinking some mineral water and some vitamins, I, then as Kiyoshi, grabbed one of my notebooks, my textbook on World Geography, my pencil case, and my journal, stuffed them into my backpack, and went out with it. Not long after, I trekked through the base and saw many survivors socializing with one another. I, however, and alongside the real Kevin, is a lone wolf, and don't like socializing with other people, except for my cousins and a small circle of friends. Toshi can be pissed off when people talk behind Kevin's back.

  3 minutes later, I arrived at a set of very shallow, flat, long, and gradual stairs on a hill, and settled down by sitting down on one of the steps, and placed my backpack next to me. I then opened it, and grabbed my, or Kevin's, journal, pen, and textbook. I then opened the journal, uncapped my pen, and started writing about what happened this morning, in Kako's point of view. I luckily included the words at the left top, "Kako's pov", before writing the main content. I then translated that diary log into Japanese in another page. After that, I put aside my journal and pen, and opened the textbook and turned to the pages about the geography of South Asia, one of my favorite topics. I then started reading about it and underline some of the main info I needed for the future exams. What do I mean 'future exams'? I mean the exams at junior high school when I get in the Philippines. While reading the dense text, I took notes of it on my notebook.

  Then, suddenly, just 11 minutes after I settled down, Isaiah came and greeted me with a good morning.

Upon hearing that, I turned around and responded back, "Oh, hi, you must be Isaiah, right?"

  "Yeah, amigo," Isaiah replied back brightly. "How are you this morning? Are you feeling better?"

  "Oh, um, Kevin is now feeling much better," I responded back.

Mildly confused by it, Isaiah replied, "What?" But then, he suddenly remembered something, and he responded with an apology, "Oh, right, sorry, you must be one of Kevin's personalities, right?"

  "Yes, how did you know that?" I asked back.

  "Your siblings told me about your mental disorder."

  "Oh, I see. Yeah, that's true. I'm Kiyoshi by the way."

  "Nice to meet you, Kiyoshi. What are you doing here?"

  "Oh, um, I'm studying."

  "Studying? During an outbreak?"

  "Yeah, I want to do something other than patrolling and gathering resources and, you know, study for the future."

  "I see. Well, I want to go to Spain to study engineering."

  "Woah, what? My eldest cousin also wanted to go to Spain as well."

  "Wow, amigo, what a coincidence!"

  "Yeah, it is."

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