Chapter 36 - Traitor to the Survivors

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Third person pov

  But something was wrong with Raphael. He jotted down a lot. Wesley knows that, but is there something more to his habit?

  Later, as night falls, at an empty room in the lab building, Raphael was talking to his superiors, the terrorists, about his findings on the survivors and on Wesley.

  "So, how are they?" one of the terrorists, Bran Coverdale, asked him.

  "They're doing fine," Raphael responded back seriously. "Me and a foreign biracial named Wesley Kurusawa are getting along, so I could get his information."

  "I see, that's good," Bran replied back, "so we could infect them with the zombie virus. Make sure you stay in your location. We'll be there."

  "Got it."

  Then, Francis was passing by when he heard sounds coming from Raphael's laptop. Upon peeking, he was surprised to see that Raphael was associated with the terrorists.

  "What the hell?" he thought in his mind.

Desperate, he pulled out his smartphone, turned it on, and started recording Raphael's conversation with Bran and his men. This lasted for 2 minutes, and when Raphael was finished talking to them, Francis finished recording and quickly left the scene to report it to Ray. Oh, no, Raphael is actually a double agent and a traitor to the survivors.

  Not long after, Ray was cleaning his sniper rifle when Francis came in and catches his breath from running.

  "Francis, what's with the heavy breathing?" Ray asked upon noticing.

Francis then exhaled once more, walked up to Ray, and said to him, "Dr. Ray, Raphael is a double agent working for the terrorists."

Skeptical by that, Ray responded back, "Is that true, Francis?"

In response to that, Francis played the recording in his smartphone to Ray.

Moments later, Ray had enough of it and demanded the recording to be paused.

Francis did so, and Ray stand up and said to him, "We can't tolerate this. We need to do something about this. Tell this to everyone."

  "Got it," Francis responded with obedience.

He then left the room.

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