Chapter 12 - Allies

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Third person pov

  The next morning, at 5:45 a.m., Kevin, Ron, Juan, and Maria grabbed their belongings and went out of the convenience store and into the empty streets, searching for an exit out of the city. Along the way, Ron was armed with a pistol and a dagger, while Kevin was armed with a katana sword and a couple of daggers stored inside his backpack. Juan and Maria, however, are unarmed, but Kevin and Ron are always with them. Also, Kevin and Ron are equipped with bulletproof vests, shoulder and knee pads, and gloves, perfect for combat.

  They had been in the city for a few hours, scavenging and looking for something useful. Ultimately, Kevin had to rearrange the contents of his backpack to make room for more useful stuff like flashlights and batteries.

Then, while exploring an abandoned building in the dark, they were suddenly greeted by a zombie. But Ron quickly shot it a few times, and the zombie died.

Sighing in relief, Kevin thanked his older brother for saving him, Juan, and Maria.

Reloading his pistol, Ron responded back, "You're welcome."
But, the building had hardly anything useful, so it only took half an hour. After that, they all exited the building and back to the streets on their quest for a way out.

  And then, as at 11:10 a.m., they went to an alleyway, only to see two terrorists, armed with machine guns, going to execute two soldiers. They then hid behind at a corner of the building to make sure that the terrorists would not see them, otherwise, they would get spotted and killed.

  "What the..."?" Kevin commented to Ron in a low voice. "What are they doing? Are they going to kill those soldiers?"
  "I think so, but we have to rescue them," Ron responded back a bit seriously. "Follow my lead." Then to Juan and Maria, "You two, stay here and closed your eyes."

  "Okay," Juan responded back with obedience. He and his sister then closed their eyes.

With that, Kevin and Ron readied their weapons and faced the terrorists. Upon approaching the said terrorists, Ron pointed his pistol and shot one of them a couple of times in the head, alerting the other terrorist.

  "Now!" Ron told Kevin immediately.

But Kevin is trembling with anxiety, while holding his sword weapon. But suddenly, his anxiety turned into something that causes him to focus and attack. With that, Kevin aimed wielded his weapon and charged towards the terrorist. The remaining terrorist tried to shoot Kevin, but Kevin dodged his shots with fast timing, before Kevin slashed and stabbed the terrorist to death in brutality.

  "You little..." the terrorist cursed him, before collapsing to the ground and died. And so, two terrorists were killed by Kevin and Ron.

  Then, the two soldiers, named John Worth and Tim Mac, then turned around, only to see two dead bodies and two people holding weapons.

Sighing in relief, Kevin turned towards the two soldiers and asked them if they are okay.

  "Are you going to kill us?" John asked him in fear.

  "No, we are here to save you two," Kevin responded back. "Are you two okay? You two may stand up now."

John and Tim then obliged, standing up on their two feet, and saw the dead bodies of the terrorists.

  "Did you just killed them?" Tim asked me.

  "Yes, one of them was shot down by my brother," Kevin answered back with positive confidence.

With that, Ron reloaded his pistol and turned towards John and Tim, taking off his goggles, and showing off his red eyes.

  "Um, why your eyes are red?" John asked Ron while being terrified a bit.

  "I am a zombie," Ron answered him normally.

With that, the two soldiers grabbed their weapons and aimed them towards Ron, prompting Kevin to defend his brother.

  "Back off, kid!" John immediately told Kevin. "He's a zombie!"
  "Woah, calm down, sir," Kevin tried to calm him and Tim. "He's not gonna bite you or something."

  "Please, kid, back off," Tim insisted back. "Let us shoot that zombie."
And then, Juan and Maria intervened and confirmed his claim.

  "Juan, Maria, what are you two doing here?" Kevin berated them for intervening.

  "Elder brother might get shot," Juan replied back in concern.

  "Are you sure about that?" John asked me for a confirmation.

Thinking about this fast, Kevin responded back in a bit of desperate, "Look, he's a rogue zombie!"
Putting their weapons down, John and Tim responded back, "Rogue zombie?"
  "A rogue zombie is a zombie that loses had its taste and thirst for flesh and blood," Kevin did his best to explain, "and instead help humans to survive."
  "Are you sure about that?" John responded back with skepticism. "Did you make that up?"
  "Yes! I can tell that by seeing that it no longer attacks humans," Kevin made an additional explanation.

Thinking about him and his siblings, John and Tim eventually put their weapons down and they truly believed his explanation.

  "Okay, you're right."

  "That'll be a waste of bullets if we did it."

With that, Kevin, Juan, and Maria sighed in relief. And so, John and Tim became their allies.

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