Chapter 53 - Gun Training

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Kevin's POV

  The next day came, and after a nice good night sleep and a hearty breakfast, I went to my first lessons in gun training. I went Toshi-mode for that. At the shooting range, I was given a pistol, a Glock 19, as a starting point in my first lessons, before being instructed on how to hold and aim it properly. Kaleb and Robert are my instructors because they are the best of the best in terms of skills and accuracy.

But, I am a gamer, so I know most of the basics. As a result, it became a bit easy for me to do so, and I shoot one of the red and white targets with mediocre accuracy.

Kaleb sees this, and he demonstrates his accurate shots to me so I would learn from it.

I was amazed, and Wesley, who was there for me, responded with, "Yeah, and that was the same thing Ray-san taught me back at his lab."

But, Kaleb became uncomfortable when Wesley mentioned Ray's name, and Wesley saw this and apologizes to him vehemently.

  "Oh," I get it now.

I then continued practicing my shots so I could improve my accuracy more and more.

  By 9:01 a.m., I went to the training fields for my exercise training, which was basically the same ones as yesterday. Wesley watches me while being impressed because of my flexibility. After that, by 10:02 a.m., while on a 30-minute break, I was writing about my day and other stuff in my black, leather bound journal. Wesley also did the same thing at that time, but he was writing about his recent "council meeting" days ago. I can tell because I took a peek of it, and Wesley didn't mind at all because we share each other's info of our own "council meetings".

  Shortly after lunch, I went back to my gun training while Wesley was on patrol with some zombie-infected soldiers in the forests nearby. After my gun training, I took another 30-minute break, and I used that time to read some high school textbooks so I could be prepared for high school education in the near future. The rest of the afternoon was mostly spent on physical training and exercise and patrolling.

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