Chapter 41 - A Pacifist

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Third person pov

  4 minutes later, after climbing the inactive escalator, Maccoy couldn't help but notice an armed man looking at the wall.

Thinking that he might be a fellow survivor, Maccoy went closer to him while asking, "Excuse me, are you a survivor?"

But then, that armed man turned around and pointed his AK-47 gun towards him.

  "Intruder!" he called out to his comrade, who was armed with a AR-15 gun and a pistol.

It was Maccoy's mistake to do that because those armed men are two of Rudiman's hundreds of zombie virus-spreading terrorists.

Hearing that, Maccoy was surprised and now realizing that his life is in danger, he backed away slowly, before eventually running away for his life without even attempting to fight back. The two terrorists then started to chase him while firing their guns towards him. The reason why is that he is a pacifist, and he doesn't like violence and fighting.

Maccoy kept on running and running until, he reached a dead end, and the two terrorists cornered him. Turning around to face them, Maccoy, as a pacifist, decided to end his life there by offering himself to them.

Eventually, the two armed men shot him repeatedly with their machine guns. killing him instantly.

Maccoy, bleeding in his mouth and wounds, then fell to the floor and died.

Having killed their new victim, the two terrorists proceeded to inject him with a syringe of serum of the zombie virus so they could turn him into a zombie.

They did, but there's one problem: Maccoy was somehow resistant to that virus. As a result, Maccoy simply died also from it via blood poisoning.

The two terrorists then watched this for a couple of minutes in an attempt to see him turning into a zombie.

That didn't happen, and the two armed men now realized what they had done, for the first time in their lives.

  So, they decided to betray their brutal leader, and save Maccoy from dying, pulling and lifting his dead body all the way to one of the nearest rooms, which was one of the terminal's small medical clinics. There, at that small clinic that still have some lighting, using the available medical equipment, they managed to remove the bullets from his body, all of them, and used some available antidotes to temporarily neutralize the virus before it finalizes his demise. After bandaging his wounds, the two repentant men had managed to prevent Maccoy's full demise, and he is now in a coma, indicated by the faint, low sounds of his heartbeat.

  After that, the two terrorists agreed to each other to take care of him and cut ties with their squad commander and leader.

But, will Maccoy survive this?

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