Chapter 2 - Council Meeting

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Third person POV

  Later at recess time at the playground, Kevin was alone reading a manga of his favorite anime show. Even though he was only 11 years old, he was mentally and emotionally capable enough to handle the graphics of a manga, any manga. It was really quiet, with no one was around, except for the wind.

  And then, Kevin's two cousins, Wesley Magkalon Kurusawa-Casas, a half-Japanese, half-Filipino teenager from Tokyo, and Maccoy Asano Casas-Cruz, a full-Filipino from the Philippines, ages 15 and 19, came to the playground via the back alley, which was open by accident, allowing them in. Upon seeing them coming, Kevin puts his manga book aside and stand up, greeting them with Japanese honorifics at the end of their names.

  "Hello there, Algos-kun," Wesley greeted him back.

  "Hi, Kevin-kun," Maccoy greeted as well.

After some time, they gathered up at a turntable for a meeting, concerning about their futures in a changing world.

  "So, we will discuss about what we should be in the future," Maccoy started with a leader-like attitude.

  "But, first, how's Leon and Kakeru going on?" Wesley went up first.

  "Oh, um," answered Kevin back in regular style, "they're good, good. Leon did the intervention at a bullying incident this morning."
  "Woah, again?" commented Wesley in rising amazement. "Like, really?"
  "Yeah," Kevin responded.

  "Wow," Maccoy added a comment seriously.

  "Yes, but Kiyoshi was fine as well," Kevin responded back on the behalf of his personalities.
  "Okay! Seems that everyone is in the good mood," Maccoy rounded up their pre-meeting conversation. "Shall we begin the council meeting?" It was their tradition since childhood.

Shortly thereafter, they began their council meeting at the playground.

  "Okay, shall we begin discussing our futures?" Maccoy began by asking a question to his "members."
  "Sure," Kevin responded with skepticism.

  "Okay," Wesley added in skepticism.

  "Come on, you guys," Maccoy tried to emphasize to his cousins. "You have to be serious about your futures."

  "Sorry," Kevin responded back with an apology, "it's just...."

  "Scared?" Wesley tried to guess what Kevin would say next.

Turning into Paulo, one of his personalities, Maccoy gave Wesley a good scolding for making fun of Kevin.

Chuckling a bit, Wesley apologized, "Sorry, Maccoy-san."

Kevin then chuckled a bit.

After that little setback, Kevin aired his own issues about the future.

  "I see..." Maccoy, as Paulo, commented with a consultation-style of attitude, "...your concern about the future is what was to come." Then to Wesley, "Then what is yours?"

  "Mine is already established," Wesley responded back in cool happiness.

  "I don't like violence, you know," Kevin responded to Wesley. "It scares me a lot."
  "Come on, Kevin, get used to it," responded Wesley in dramatic style. "It's a part to this corrupted world." He acted like Naoki and Mateo, two of his personalities.

  "You're right, Wesley," Kevin replied back. "I think I was interested in psychology and medical knowledge."
  "Perhaps you might want to be a psychologist or a doctor," Maccoy suggested.

  "I'm not sure," Kevin objected to that. "My future is still mysterious and hazy."
  "I see then," Maccoy responded back. "It's okay. You are too young, so decided early. Okay?"
Kevin then silently nodded in agreement.

  After some time, they went on talking about other stuff like the current lives and statuses of their families and financial matters. Kevin told them his concerns about his childhood friend and girlfriend, Riley Matson, a half-American, half-Filipino living in the city of Charleston. His main concern is how long the Love Bond, a supernatural phenomenon in which two lovers are connected by bond of their love, will keep them chained in a never-ending curse of close communication until marriage time.

  "Ah, I see then," Wesley commented that. "Well, we had limited time about that, so hang in there, okay?"
  "Okay, Wesley," Kevin responded back positively.

  And then, suddenly, one of the school guards caught Maccoy and Wesley trespassing the school property. Upon seeing that guard, Maccoy and Wesley then responded by bowing their heads like a Japanese and made a deep apology to him, stating that they'll leave the property as soon as possible. This revelation causes Kevin to mock-laugh, thinking in his mind, "What in the world, you guys?" Eventually, the guard let the two cousins off the hook and promised them not to trespass again. Maccoy and Wesley then agreed to the guard's terms and left the school property via the same, open back alley.

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