Chapter 61 - More Training

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Maccoy's POV

  I was sitting on my bed at the clinic one late afternoon when I began singing a Filipino song silently with some motions as interpretation of that song. I was standing and pretended to touch a glass window with my right hand, even though it wasn't there. Although I was allowed to call the authorities using my own phone by Gregory and Steve, I decided not to do it so I would learn how to survive in this zombie outbreak from them.

  Later at dinner time, we were at the clinic eating spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Steve had cooked the meal with the available ingredients at an Italian restaurant nearby. As we eat, Gregory asked me, "So Maccoy, are you ready for more training?"

I then looked at him with a surprised face.

  "I mean, you can leave at any time," Gregory continued.

  "Oh, um, yes, I'm ready for more training," I answered back. "It's because I am a pacifist before, and that means I am a later bloomer on violence, so, yeah."

I then resumed eating.

  "Ah, I see," Gregory replied. "Okay, no problem, we'll give you more training then."

  "That'll be great," I responded.

  "Thank you."

  Later, at 9:33 p.m., at bed, I wrote in my journal, which is one of the journals I bought months ago. Steve and Gregory are also resting up for the night at the waiting area of the terminal, but they did have some flashlights for lighting. Then, I wrote, "When I will meet up with Wesley and Kevin?" I already copied my dialogue entry of my "council meeting" in my Records days ago though, so I had basically nothing I can write but entries of my day-to-day living. After that, I closed my journal, capped my pen, put them on the table nearby, and went to bed.

  The next morning, at 5:55 a.m., on the tarmac under some abandoned planes, my daily training began. Gregory and Steve would call the attention of any zombie nearby and I would use my gun to shoot them. One time, we saw a zombie holding an axe. We got alerted, and I immediately shot it multiple times until it dropped dead on the tarmac. That was quite scary, and shocking for me. This also includes some combat training using their own guns so I would be ready just in case someone will attack me in the future.

  "I can't believe I had to postpone my future engineering career by a few years," I thought after I reloaded my gun while hiding behind a vehicle, "if this zombie outbreak would last that long."

I then come out of my hiding place and tried to shoot the two ex-terrorists, but to no avail.

For combat training, I was wearing a bulletproof armor and some knee and elbow protectors for safety since I am vulnerable physically.

Gregory then fired his gun towards me, but I dodged it thanks to my dodging reflex.

I was actually having fun in this, I thought.

My action side is now on the rise.

  By 7:44 a.m., we ended our morning training and went back to the terminal building to have some breakfast. There we had waffles with chocolate syrup and strawberries made by Gregory for breakfast, along with some coffee and orange juice. While eating, Gregory and Steve shared their life stories to me, which was good and happy at first; but it turns out they were forced to be mercenaries out of being threatened by their leader, Rudiman Wit.

I was quite interested and curious so I jotted down some notes in my journal for future references.

And so, they had decided to betray him and switch sides, which had been done months ago. They go as far as blocking all communication to their mercenary squad leader and the rest of his death squad so they would not find out what they are doing.

I was quite sympathetic for them, thinking that they are the victims instead of the bad guys.

  Shortly after breakfast, we continued our training. This time, there are more zombies than ever. But, I was quite ready just after days of training, with my trusty gun and armor.

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