Chapter 6 - Ron and Ken

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Third person pov

  But, they made it to Charleston at 10:07 a.m. And as they went through the city's main downtown, Kevin Algos, being a curious person, gazed through the car window with wonder.

  "Wow, this is so cool."
Shortly thereafter, they had arrived at Charleston's main police headquarters where Kevin's older brother, Ron, was working as a police officer. Once they had parked the car, the whole family get off and walked towards the main entrance of the police headquarters.

At the police headquarters reception desk, they requested for a visit for Ron.

  "Okay then," the receptionist granted their request, before telling one of her colleagues about the visit and to tell Ron about it.

  Meanwhile, at the offices, Ron was arranging some files and documents when one his coworkers came to him and informed him of the family visit. In response to that, Ron left his work desk and went to the breakroom to meet them.

  At the breakroom, Ron meets up with his family, including Wesley and Maccoy. First, Juan and Maria ran up to Ron and gave him a hug in embrace.

  "Hello there, Juan and Maria," Ron greeted them with positivity.

  After that, Kevin greeted Ron, "Hello, big brother." He then said that line in Japanese. Ron had long known Kevin's habit of saying a line in multiple languages, because Kevin is a multilingual.

After some exchanges of greetings, they all sat down on chairs with a table, and started their conversation.

  "So, Wesley, Maccoy," Ron started the conversation with a question. "Did you two trespass again?"
Embarrassed by this, both Wesley and Maccoy admitted with an apology, before adding that they also apologized to the school Kevin attended as well. Kevin already knew that, so he just told Ron the purpose of it.

  "Oh, a council?" Ron responded back. "You guys made a council meeting?"
  "Yes, and they are here in America for a week-long vacation," Kevin replied back with positive confidence.

  "I see then."
After that, Estevan asked Ron, "So, Ron, how are you?"
  "I'm fine, dad," answered Ron back positively. "Still strong and healthy."
  "That's good, big brother," Kevin commented in response.

  "Yeah, like a soldier," Wesley added a comment.

After that, Ron asked Kevin how was his studies.

  "Oh, I had a perfect score in my recent test," Kevin honestly answered back.

  "Mine is like 90-91%," Wesley positively added with confidence.

  "Mine is the same as Kevin's," Maccoy added as well. "More than enough to go to university in Europe."
  "Okay, where in Europe?" asked Ron back in response.

  "Don't know yet."
After some chit-chatting, Kevin, his family, Wesley, and Maccoy said goodbye to Ron and left the place as Ron went back to his work.

  Later at 11:07 a.m., they had arrived at Ken's apartment. After trekking all the way to the third floor, they knocked on Ken's door. Upon hearing someone knocking on his door, Ken got up from his work, and opened the door, only to see Kevin, his family, Wesley, and Maccoy.

  "Hi there, uncle," Wesley greeted him while waving his hand for a few seconds.

Ken Westwood, a half-Japanese, half-American, then got delighted by their visit, and responded back in greeting, "Oh, hi there, Wesley-kun, Kevin-kun, and Maccoy-kun."

Kevin and the others then went in, and Ken shut the door normally. Inside of the studio apartment, Ken gave them glasses of water, but Kevin preferred a glass without any ice cubes.

  "So, how are you, uncle?" Wesley positively asked Ken.

  "I'm fine, Wesley," answered Ken back positively. "I just graduated from university a few years ago."
  "Wow, congratulations," Maccoy congratulated him.

  "Thank you."
Later at lunch time, they all at the table eating lunch. Ken had prepared all of the food by himself. The atmosphere around them is calm and peaceful, despite the honking of horns outside.

  "Wow, this sushi is so delicious," Kevin commented Ken's food.

  "Thanks, uncle," Wesley added positively with delight.

  "You're welcome," Ken responded back positively. "I hoped you all like it."
This follows with a short silence.

  "So, uncle Ken," Wesley asked breaking the silence, "how's your gaming?"
  "Oh, I am in progress," answered Ken back while eating. "I got new stuff in Call of Duty. How about yours?"
  "It's fine," Wesley responded back, "I got a new skin for my weapon."
  "Me too with other action games as well, uncle," Kevin joined in in the conversation. "You taught us well."
Maccoy remained silent, as if he wasn't interested in action games.

  "Wow, that's good," Ken evaluated their progress. "You two really progressed a bit more than last time."
  "Thanks," Wesley happily responded back. "We'll do our best."
  "Okay, but be careful with your eyes," Ken gave them a reminder and warning. "Because you might not see again."
  "We know."
After some time, Kevin and his group wavered goodbye to Ken and left the apartment, before Ken went back to his apartment unit.

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