Chapter 51 - Snipe till you Die

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Third person pov

  "What on earth are you doing here, brother?" Kaleb asked Ray as he points his sniper rifle towards him. "You have a lab, right?"

  "Woah, what the flip?" Kevin responded to this.

  "Brother?!" Wesley shockingly added.

He then said that line in Japanese.

  "Woah, are they supposed to work together or something?" Francis responded.

Eventually, not wanting to do that in front of the survivors, Kaleb put down his sniper rifle and explained in response, "This is my brother, Ray, and I hate him."

  "I hate this stupid asshole," Ray replied back.

To that, Kevin remembered the time Kaleb mentioned about his brother while at the forests.

  "Oh, right," he said to himself in a low voice.

Eventually, Kaleb and Ray decided to settle their rivalry by a fight, with their sniper rifles, much to Kevin and Wesley's shock.

Later, at the obstacle course area of the base, Kaleb and Ray went to their positions and loaded their sniper rifles with ammo, before beginning their fight by firing their sniper rifles at each other and dodge each other's attacks.

Shots can be heard for dozens of yards away.

Kevin and the others watch this with shock.

  "They're going to kill each other!" Kevin exclaimed.

He then turned to Wesley and said, "We had to stop them, senpai!"

Not wanting his friend to die in such a meaningless fight, Wesley agreed with him, and he and Kevin went down to the area to stop the two rogue zombies from killing each other.

Then, as Kaleb and Ray are about to pull their triggers while being near to one another, Kevin and Wesley intervened by blocking their shots with their own bodies, spreading their arms outward.

  "Stop this!" Kevin begged.

  "Don't do this, Ray-san!" Wesley begged.

  "Get out of the way, Wesley!" Ray responded to this. "This have nothing to do with you!"

  "Yeah, get out, Kevin," Kaleb said to Kevin. "We're having a fight here."

 "No way!" Kevin resisted in response. "We'll die instead!"

"Yeah, we will!" Wesley added.

Ron saw this when he was returning from his patrolling duty, and he was shocked to see his younger brother's intervention and sacrifice.

"Kevin, what are you doing?" he asked.
Kaleb and Ray then felt some sort of mysterious force that prevented them from shooting their young friends.
Kevin and Wesley then felt the same thing, too.
Eventually, not wanting his young junior soldier to die, Kaleb decided to put their fight to an end, so as Ray, putting their powerful weapons down.

Kevin and Wesley then put down their arms and sighed in relief.

But still, Kaleb and Ray are looking at each other with hostility, perpetuating their rivalry even more.

But at least, they are much better than last time, much to Kevin and Wesley's relief.

After all that, Ray decided to stay at Kaleb's base for the time being, with Wesley, Francis, and Matt being with him to make sure he would not see Kaleb. The same goes for Kevin and Ron, who knew what had happened from Kevin.

But, what was the root cause of their rivalry?

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