Chapter 43 - Patrol with Kako and Toshi

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This chapter contains some swear words, so buckle up. Thanks.

Third person pov

  Meanwhile, at Kaleb's base, one late morning after breakfast, Kevin was patrolling the surrounding forests outside with 2 zombified soldiers. The day was cloudy though, and Kevin brought his main machine gun and katana. Toshi and Kako are on standby. Ron was busy training some survivors how to shoot enemies with a gun, while Juan and Maria are at their room reading books and playing mobile games. Then, one of the zombified soldiers slip down a sloped part, causing him to swear in front of Kevin, "Oh, fuck!"

His comrade then responded, "Hey! Don't swear in front of the child! He's only 12!"

And then, Kevin turned into Toshi, who swears moderately, and responded back with, "Can you guys just stop fucking off? One of you just slip, that's all."

The two zombified soldiers were stunned, and Kevin responded with an explanation about swearing in his view. In his view, swearing is okay, but do that to someone is not.

They then understood his view on it, and were even amazed by his cool nature. Kevin then returned to his true self, and replied, "Thanks, you guys."

They then all continued patrolling until lunch time.

  At noon, they stopped under one of the pine trees to eat lunch, which consisted of bacon sandwiches and some biscuits. While eating, Kevin suddenly had a spark of inspiration so he stood up and shouted, "Man, it's so good to be true!"

Upon hearing that, the two zombified soldiers are really confused and puzzled by his quote, and asked him about its meaning.

Kevin then responded, "That means I should be true to myself and God." But he is currently living in two worlds: the real world and Matsu.

They then asked him if he was religious.

  "Yes, a Bible Christian," Kevin replied back, "of the Filipino Reformed tradition."

  "Calvinist?" one of the zombie-infected soldiers raised a question.

  "No, somewhere between it and Arminianism," Kevin responded, "but with some modifications."

  "Okay, what church in that tradition?" the second zombie-infected soldier asked in response.

  "The Filipino Bible Reformed Church," Kevin replied back positively with confidence, "or FBRC, or alternatively, the Eastern Reformed Church."

  "Okay, Presbyterian by polity?"

  "No, more like a mix of congregational and connectional."

The two soldiers then get what he had said, and they respected his religious affiliation.

  By 1, they continued on patrolling until 4 in the afternoon, when the duty will be continued by a different batch so they could rest up for the rest of the day.

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