Chapter 39 - Investigative-mode

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Kevin's pov

  Not long after, me, still as Toshi, and Edward are on the floor talking about the zombie virus. Late last night, I made some theories about the zombie virus' origins and its breakdown on controlling the host. I laid down a lot of papers filled handwritten notes and theories in English and Japanese. I will interpret the Japanese ones to English thanks to me, or rather, Kevin, being a multilingual and polyglot. Edward's drones are around us, but I wasn't that afraid thanks to Toshi taking the spotlight.

  "So you're theorizing that the zombie virus might be a form of biological warfare?" Edward asked while reading one of the papers in English.

  "Yes, I observed many action movies in the past," I responded, "and I theorized that some bad guy might be inspired by them to create his/her own virus to infect other people."

  "I see. That'll be a plausible theory, but..."

  "But what?"

  "... but there some terrorists who wanted to keep the virus alive. Do you think they're associated with the creator of the virus?"

  "That's the thing I had been thinking about, Edward-san. But I'm skeptical at the same time. You know, being skeptical is one of my beliefs and another step of making decisions."

  "Yeah, you're right. Sometimes, the decisions you make can be that risky and fatal."

  "That's right, it is."
I then grabbed one of my papers in Japanese and read it aloud in English.

  "Wow, so you're saying that we zombies can regain our senses and self-awareness?" Edward raised a question.

  "Yeah, I mean, I think my older brother had regained his senses and self-awareness after he stabbed me to death," I responded back.

  "Oh, I heard that from him as well," Edward replied while wiping his pistol.

  "Oh really?"

Edward then nodded. "Yes. He said that he felt no longer hungry for flesh after that experience."

  "I see," I responded. "Well, I theorized that the virus became less and less concentrated in a host's body and thus, losing control of the body itself, and the brain is restoring order to it as well. But still, they are zombified and had the red eyes."

  "Okay," Edward replied without any objection.

  "But, in my observation," I added, "I saw that they somehow managed to walk normally again. So, I theorized that memories may or may not play a role in restoring their human self. But I'm not sure though. I think there's more to it."

  "That's okay," Edward responded. "I hoped there will be a cure for it."

  "Me too. I really hoped so."

Then, someone with a sniper rifle came to the rooftop, greeting, "Morning, Edward."

Me and Edward then looked at him, and I quickly recognized him as the zombie who fired a sniper rifle at me and my siblings thanks to MRD.

  "Hey, Robert," Edward greeted back.

  "That's his name?" I asked Edward.

  "Yes, this is Robert Valor, one of our division's best snipers," Edward responded.

  "What you two are doing on the floor?" Robert asked us.

I then stand up and bowed my head for a few seconds, before introducing myself as Toshi because I was surrounded my drones.

  "Nice to meet you, Toshi," Robert responded back.

Edward then stand up and explained to Robert about my real identity and mental illness.

  "Oh, okay, I mean, Kevin," Robert commented.

  "That's right, Robert-san, Kevin is hiding because he's afraid of drones," I responded back seriously. "He partially had technophobia."

  "I see."

After that, I explained to Robert what me and Edward are currently doing.

  "Oh, so you're an investigator, Toshi?" Robert commented.

  "Yes, and I am in charge of Kevin's investigative side," I seriously replied back.

I then grabbed all the papers and gathered them into one group and stack, before saying to Robert and Edward, "Now will you excuse me, I had to go and do my investigation myself."

I then left the rooftop and went downstairs. Once I was on the ground, I went back to be as Kevin and sighed in relief, saying to myself, "Thanks, Toshi-senpai."

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