Chapter 24 - Kaleb, the Sniper Leader

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Third person pov

  Later, at 4:44 p.m. Kevin and his group had arrived at the military base, which was abandoned by the soldiers due to a zombie outbreak. They then grabbed their weapons, except for Juan and Maria, who didn't have any weapons, and started entering the base. Walking through, they saw its current state: abandoned and infested.

  "What happened here?" Kevin asked.

  "This can't be," Tim responded seriously. "Did the zombie virus reached all the way here?"
  "I think so, but I am not sure," John replied back. Then to his group, "Guys, split up and check everywhere."

Kevin and the others then nodded in agreement, and they all split into two: Kevin and Ron with go with Juan and Maria, while John will go with Tim.

  At the mess hall, Kevin and his siblings checked almost every nook and cranny while Juan and Maria stayed behind Kevin. Ron, meanwhile, checked the kitchen, only to run into a zombified soldier holding a M14 rifle.

  "What the...?" Ron responded to this. He then ran outside, closed the door, and barricaded it with a table. He then went back to Kevin and the others, and told them, "Guys, there's zombie inside the kitchen, and it was holding a gun!"

  "What?" Kevin responded back in moderate shock.

Then, suddenly, they heard gunshots coming from the kitchen, breaking the door. And so, they immediately left the place. But, the sounds of the gunshots alerted the other zombified soldiers, and they followed the noise.

  Returning to the center of the base, Kevin reported the happening to Tim and John via a walkie-talkie, "Guys, we heard a zombie shooting the door at the mess hall!"

In the other side of the line, Tim and John are shocked to hear that, and John asked, "Really? A zombie wielding a weapon?"

  "Yeah, we heard it."

  "I see, we will be there as soon as possible. Just don't move. Stay in your-" The call was interrupted by a series of static noises.

  "Hello? Hello?" Kevin responded to this. "Guys?"

Receiving no response whatsoever, Kevin said to his siblings, "Guys, I think Tim-san and John-san are in trouble."

  "What?" Ron asked back.

  "What do we do now?" Juan asked in concern.

  "I'm scared," Maria added.

  "I...I had no idea," Kevin responded back, "but we had to-" His sentence was cut off when they saw a bullet passing through them, and it merely missed Kevin's right arm. They then all got startled and looked at the window of the second floor of the main headquarters, only to see a zombified soldier firing a powerful, yet deadly sniper rifle at them. It was Robert Valor, one of the division's best snipers.

  "Woah, what?" Kevin responded to this.

Ron then pulled out his pistol, aimed it at Robert, and started firing while telling Kevin, Juan, and Maria to run. Kevin and the others then agreed with him, and they started running for their lives. When they about to reach the main gate, their way out was blocked by another zombified soldier wielding a bazooka. That zombified soldier then aimed its weapon at them, causing Kevin, Juan, and Maria to run to the right. It then fired a rocket at them, but it missed. The explosion caused a big noise, and Ron was alerted by it, who then fired his pistol once more towards Robert and ran off to search for Kevin, Juan, and Maria. 

Meanwhile, Kevin, Juan, and Maria found a hole in the wired fence, and they all go through, exiting the base, and escaped to the forest. They had no idea that forest was also infested with zombified soldiers.

  At the forest, Kevin, Juan, and Maria stopped running to catch their breaths.

  "Phew! That was so flippin' close," Kevin commented.

After breathing heavily, Juan asked Kevin, "Big brother, why you didn't use your weapon?"

  "I can't, they're soldiers," Kevin responded with a reason why.

  "Oh, that's why."

But then, Maria noticed a drone, with bullets, coming towards them, and she tapped on Kevin's left arm.

  "What is it, Maria-chan?" Kevin responded to this.

Maria then pointed at the drone, which then aimed at them, and Kevin and Juan turned around, only to be surprised by it. That drone was likely to be controlled by a zombified soldier.

Before the drone would fire its bullets, Kevin immediately told his siblings to get down. They then all get down, and the drone fired at them, but missed. With a limited time, Kevin and his siblings get up and ran for their lives. While running, Kevin commented in despair, "How this outbreak can get any worse?" After 2 minutes of running, Kevin and his remaining siblings stopped to once again catch their breaths. But, the same drone was after them, so Kevin told Juan and Maria to run without him. Juan and Maria then nodded in agreement and ran off while Kevin faced the drone and wielded his sword. Despite having technophobia, He then went Kako-mode and jumped high, attempting to slash it. But, the thickness of the drone foiled his attempt, and Kevin just landed back to the ground in action.

"Man, that didn't work," he thought to himself.

He then switched weapons, went Toshi-mode, aimed his machine gun towards it, and started firing bullets at it. But, it only caused minor damages to the drone, and Kevin was ran out of bullets to fire.

  "What? That didn't work!" Kevin said to himself. After that, he put down his gun, and started running instead, causing the drone to chase him.

  Meanwhile, Ron was running in the forest to search for Kevin and the others, and he eventually reunite with Juan and Maria.

  "Juan? Maria?" he said to them. "Where's Kevin?"

  "He told us to run without him," Juan answered back, "and..."

  "...we had no idea what he will do," Maria completed her brother's sentence.


  "We were being chased by a drone with bullets."

  "A drone with bullets?"

Juan then nodded. "Yes, we saw it."

  Meanwhile, Kevin managed to lost the drone by hiding behind a big, thick rock. The drone didn't find him nor detect his heat signature and just left.

Seeing that the close was clear, Kevin let go of his gun and let out a big sigh of relief.

But, a laser was pointing near his heart. Kevin noticed this right away and asked, "What the...?"

Then, a gunshot was heard, and Kevin was shot. He then collapsed to the ground, and started to vomit blood from his mouth.

  "What is this? Blood?" he thought to himself as blood pour out of his body. "This can't be!"
Despite his bulletproof vest, the bullet penetrated through clean.

It was Kaleb Kony, the leader of the division and the younger brother of Ray Kony, who shot him. Kaleb then came out of the bushes and shot Kevin once more with his sniper rifle, the same type Robert use, causing him to scream in pain. As Kaleb approaches, Kevin stopped struggling, closed his eyes, and died. Again, is this the end of Kevin Algos?

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