Chapter 9 - Day 1 of the Zombie Apocalypse

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Kevin's pov

  A day later, I woke up, confused and a bit disoriented. I then get up, and picked up my scattered belongings, including my backpack. I then started wandering around downtown, seeing all the damage and destruction the chaos had caused. Fire and destroyed vehicles are everywhere; no one was seen in the streets, and gunfight are always everywhere. Along the way, I called the names of my parents, Wesley, Maccoy, Juan, and Maria, with Japanese honorifics. But no matter how hard I called, no one can hear me.

And then, suddenly, I heard some gunshots and shouting and quickly hid behind an abandoned bus, covering his ears. I was sensitive to violence, despite playing action games.

  The sounds of gunfight came from both soldiers and the zombies' unlikely ally, the terrorists, who actually created the zombie virus. The terrorists, armed with machine guns, then got away, leaving some of the soldiers injured in the battlefield. Upon seeing this scene, I was shocked to my heart, and this memory had embedded in me forever. I then started to hyperventilate in panicking. This also caused me to suffer from PTSD. After breathing for a couple of seconds, I get up and fled the scene in fear.

  Later at night, as the sun sets, I decided to hide from the terrorists and zombies at an abandoned gas station's convenience store. Upon entering the store, I tried to turn on the lights, but to no avail. So, I used the flashlight function of my smartphone, and start looking at the store's abandoned products. I felt the crumbs and debris under my shoes. I had thoughts of getting some products, but I couldn't because I feared being a thief. But, I was hungry, so I have to endure it.

  "I'm so hungry," I uttered in a low voice.

  But then, suddenly, a zombie, holding a dagger, showed up behind I at the other side of the aisle. It was Ron, who got bitten yesterday. Upon hearing some growling noises, I turned around, only to see my brother. At first, I was delighted to see him, but upon seeing his bloody and scary appearance, I got instantly terrified by it. And then, suddenly, Ron charged towards me while holding the dagger. I got terrified while pressing against the wall but there is no escape for me. Ron stabbed me close to the heart, killing me. Now bleeding in my mouth, I collapsed to the ground and died, with my eyes closed.

  "Is this the end of me?" my last thoughts echoed in my mind.


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