Chapter 49 - Just Stay Here for a While

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Maccoy's pov

  Later, at 5:22 p.m., Gregory came to the clinic room and told me that I may leave and report him and his comrade to the US military once I was discharged. Although seeing an opportunity to escape, I felt sympathetic to Gregory and his comrade, and asked him for the name of the latter.

  "Oh, that'll be Steve Palm," Gregory replied back. "Why?"

  "I want to find out who he was," I responded while jotting down my journal entry in one of my new journals. "Where is he?"

  "He was at another terminal building scavenging for more food and supplies," Gregory answered honestly. "He'll be giving you a weapon so you could fight off the zombies."

To that, I started to act like my fourth personality, and I stopped writing and responded with a serious Japanese accent, "Oh really?"

  "Um, why is your accent like that?" Gregory asked back while being puzzled.

I then returned to my true self, and replied, "Sorry, my new personality took the spotlight."

  "Personality? Are you mentally ill or something?"

  "Oh, sorry. You see, I had Multiple Personality Disorder."

  "Okay, how many alters?"

  "Please, don't use that word. That's rude. I called them personalities instead."

  "Oh, right, right, sorry. How many personalities to be exact?"

  "3," I answered back, before revealing their names and occupations and national and ethnical backgrounds.

  "I see. They're unique," Gregory commented.

  "Yeah," I replied back. "By the way, I'm staying here for a bit."

  "Why? You can leave and do whatever you want with us."

  "Well, I felt bad for you guys, and, I want to help out."


  "Whatever that weapon may be, can you teach me how to use it?"

Thinking about it, Gregory responded, "Okay, sure."

Then, Steve came to the clinic holding an extra MP5 submachine gun and some magazines of bullets.

Upon seeing that weapon, I was amazed and asked Steve what gun it was.

  "This is an MP5 submachine gun," Steve replied back. "Do you want this?"

Acting as Izanagi, my new, fourth personality, I readily responded, "Oh, yes, I do."

Eventually, Steve gave the gun and its magazines to me, and I decided to be a combatant.

  "Kevin, Wesley, wherever you are," I thought to myself, "I hoped you're safe. I'll be there, soon."

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