Chapter 45 - The Confrontation

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Third person pov

  Meanwhile at Dr. Ray's lab, Ray told Wesley about Raphael's agenda. In response to that, Wesley was shocked to hear that, and then felt betrayed by Raphael. At the same time, Francis told the rest of the survivors about it, and most of them are now against Raphael, while others are very skeptical. In the meantime, Wesley became angry, and he responded, "That rascal must be kicked out!"

  "Yes, but let's have a meeting first," Ray replied.

Wesley agreed with him.

  And so, they and the other survivors, except for Raphael, had a short meeting at the meeting room. Since the rest of the survivors didn't heard the recording yet, Francis played it for them as proof and evidence. Those who are skeptical are now siding with Wesley and the others. They then voted whether they should kick Raphael or not. Raphael, meanwhile, was out there to get some supplies and ammunition. Surprisingly, the vast majority of them voted to kick him out, with no leftovers whatsoever, much to Ray's expectation.

  So, the next morning, while Raphael was training at an empty hall, Wesley, Ray, and the others confronted him, telling him about his secret agenda and that he'll be kicked out. In response to that, Raphael felt that his agenda was exposed and demanded who did it.

  "It was me," Francis admitted, before playing the recording in his phone to him.

Raphael was shocked to find that someone had eavesdropped his secret conversation with the terrorists.

Then, Wesley said to Raphael seriously and coldly, "I don't consider you as my friend any more. Get out and go back to where you belong."

But then, Raphael starts to became emotionally unstable because he had just lost connection with them, the survivors, before laughing out loud like a psychopath.

  "Fine! I'll kill you all!" he shouted, before grabbing his H&K G-36 assault rifle and started shooting at Wesley and the others.

Wesley and the others then scattered to dodge his attacks, before hiding behind some tables.

While shooting, Raphael openly admitted, "The reason why I did that is that I simply wanted money! Hahaha!"

Hiding behind one of the tables, Wesley, hearing his confession, jotted them down in his pocket notebook.

  "Man, he's so insane!" he thought to himself.

  "We must stop him!" Ray said to him.

Wesley and Francis then nodded agreement, before grabbing their weapons and come out of their hiding place in attempt to stop Raphael from attacking.

They failed to restrain him a few times because Raphael was a bit stronger than the two of them combined.

Finally, Wesley managed to pin him down to the floor, ending the rain of bullets.

Francis then grabbed Raphael's weapon before he would get it.

Ray then pointed his sniper rifle towards Raphael's head.

  "Just surrender, you double agent," Wesley said to him.

  "Yeah, just give it up," Ray added.

Eventually, with a threatening shot by Ray and his sniper rifle, Raphael finally gave up, stand up, and responded, "Fine, I guessed all of you don't need me anymore. Fine then, I'll leave and never come back." He then grabbed his now empty assault rifle from Francis and left the hall to grab his belongings and leave the lab for good, for he was now an ostracized survivor for his selfishness.

Outside, Raphael left without looking back while feeling some guilt on his actions, before disappearing into the forests, never to be seen again.

Some time later, in his room, Wesley still felt so betrayed, but Ray and Francis came and comforted him, reminding him that they are here for him.

Eventually, Wesley felt a little bit better, and he responded, "Thanks, you guys."

And so, the traitor was gone now.

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