Chapter 46 - A Raid?!

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Third person pov

  Not long after, Raphael set the location in his phone near the lab for Bran and his men to track it, before burying it in the dirt and disappeared into the forests. Seeing the location, Bran and his men of terrorists reported this to Rudiman, asking for his approval to conduct a raid on Ray's lab. Rudiman then approved their plan of raid on Dr. Ray's lab. Eventually, Bran and his squad grabbed their weapons and set out to raid the said lab.

  Later, at the rooftop of Dr. Ray's lab, Francis was on a lookout with his binoculars for zombies when he spotted Bran's caravan of terrorists. Thinking that they might be terrorists, Francis communicate with Ray, who then called Wesley and the rest to gather at the front of the lab building. Wesley, Francis, and the rest did so, and they are now marching to the front porch of the building, just in time Bran and his men arrived. As his men pointed their various pistols, machine guns, and assault rifles at Wesley and his group, Bran bring out his megaphone and said to them, "Listen up, survivors, surrender and join us."

But Wesley was resistant and he shouted back, "We won't, you damned insurgents!"

  "Yeah!" one of the survivors added in agreement. "Get lost!"

But then, Bran saw Ray's red eyes and assumed that he is a zombie, but doesn't know about Rogue zombies yet.

  "You, how can you not be attacking humans now?" he asked Ray directly. "You're a zombie."

  "I don't feel like attacking humans anymore," Ray boldly responded back. "Now get lost."

Now, Bran demanded where is Raphael.

  "We kicked him out," Francis responded. "You might be his superiors, right?"

  "If you are," Rose added, "we suggest searching for him instead of attacking us here."

This really pissed Bran off and he commanded his men to fire their guns towards Ray and the survivors. In response to that, Ray, Wesley, and the others fired their guns back, and a fight ensued. It was brutal, with both sides taking damage, but Bran's men took the shots the most. They were down, one by one.

  Bran was really stressed out, and he grabbed his AK-47 assault rifle and joined in shooting towards the survivors. Eventually, when that failed, Bran is about to call for reinforcements when Ray shot his right hand and destroyed his walkie-talkie with his sniper rifle. Bran then scowled and growled in extreme pain as blood drips from his hand, shouting, "Fuck you!"

  "This is what you get," Wesley thought in his mind.

In a desperate attempt, Bran used his left hand to hold his assault rifle and pointed it at Wesley.

But then, Ray sees this and immediately shot Bran in the head with his sniper rifle, before reloading it with a new magazine of bullets.

Bran was killed as a result. Eventually, all of Bran's men were killed by Wesley, Ray, and their band of survivors.

The raid battle was over, with Ray and survivors winning it.

  To finish this, Wesley walks amidst the corpses of rebels, pick up Coverdale's extra walkie-talkie, and said to Rudiman, "You will pay for this." He then turned into Mateo and said that line in Portuguese, before crushing the walkie-talkie with his foot. Hearing the static, Rudiman was frustrated by it, and he knew that Bran had failed him.

  Meanwhile, Wesley and his team took the dead terrorists' weapons, ammunitions, vehicles, and usable armor for themselves so they would use them to their advantage. At the same time, Wesley founded the emblem and logo of Rudiman's organization, which was a corporation named Wit Hornets. Suspicious, he decided to keep it for himself before making an investigation about it on Mateo's behalf.

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