Chapter 26 - The Flashback - Part 2

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Third person pov

  Later, at 9:44 a.m., Ron and the others sneak in into the military base through another hole in the fence while Tim and Isaiah carried Kevin's body, and head straight to the sleeping quarters at the southwest part of the base while avoiding the roaming zombified soldiers. In this situation, Ron worn his goggles to avoid detection by the survivors.

  10 minutes later, they found the place and climbed the stairs, and Isaiah knocked on one of the doors. Someone holding a baseball bat then opened it and asked, "Who is this?"
"It's me, Isaiah, dad," Isaiah responded back. "We have some survivors here. Please let them in."

  "Are they're terrorists?" his dad asked back.
In response to that, Isaiah looked at Ron and the others, before looking back at his father and answered back, "No, they're not. Also, we had a dying kid here."

  "What? Bring that kid in!" his father told him in.

And so, Ron, Isaiah, and the others went in and Isaiah's father shut the door.

Inside the room, Tim and Isaiah lay Kevin's body on the floor carefully and gently.

  "What happened to him?" Isaiah's father asked.

  "He got shot by a zombified sniper soldier," Ron responded back while putting their belongings on a table, "twice."

Juan and Maria sat down on a bed with some kids nearby. John was guarding the door.

Luckily, one of the survivors, a surgeon named Luke Redwood, got up and examined Kevin's body and unwrapped the bandages that cover the young boy's wounds.

  "Hmm." he kept examining, "He got shot near the heart. Was it twice?"

Ron then nodded to say yes.

  "I see."

And then, Maria asked Luke, "Is big brother gonna be okay?"

  "I'm not sure, sweetie," Luke replied back as he finishes examining. "He might die from blood loss and organ failure." He then wrapped back the bandages.

This response devastates Maria and Juan.

  "But unless," Luke responded while thinking, "if we find the right blood type and the right organs before it was too late, he might survive." Then to Ron, "Sir, do you know what his blood type?"

  "Um, it's AB positive," Ron replied back.

  "I see," Luke responded. "I think we had some blood bags with that type. But for the organs, well, unfortunately, we had to go outside to abandoned hospitals to find those."

  "I'll do it then." John volunteered in response. "I'll do everything to save him."

  "I'll come with you." Ron volunteered as well. "I don't want my little brother to die again." Then to Luke, "Sir, what organs do we need?"

  "Well, I'm not sure," Luke replied back in unsurety, "Just bring every one of them. We might use most of them in the future."

  "I see. Got it,"

And so, Ron and John grabbed their weapons, and went outside to search for organs for Kevin.

  2 hours had passed, and Ron and John haven't return yet. Luke had prepared the blood bag just in case they return. Juan and Maria are worried that their eldest brother and friend would not return alive. The other survivors are now having a simple dinner, but Juan and Maria could not eat because of their mixed worry, even though the other kids try to make them eat.

  "Are you worried about them, you two?" Isaiah asked them while eating.

  "Yes, we worried that they may not return alive," Juan answered back.

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