Chapter 57 - Combat Training

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Kevin's POV

  Tuesday came, and it's time for me to do some combat training with Robert and some zombie-infected soldiers at the obstacle area. Ron and Wesley will help out by giving me some tips and advice. But, since I watched some action movies and played Call of Duty, I, of course, know some of the basics. Not gonna brag, but that's how I learned. At that area, I was fully armored and armed with my two guns, my pistol and my machine gun, but to make it safe, pellets were loaded and used instead of actual bullets, much to my relief. And also, Toshi will take over for me. Then, at 8:33 a.m., my combat training began, and I started running through the labyrinth-like area, hiding and looking around my surroundings constantly on high-alert.

Every time I looked over the corner, one or two of those infected soldiers would fire their guns at me, causing me to hide immediately.

I then fired one of my guns at them as targets, before approaching them while shooting.

Most of them hid behind while some got "shot" by me, indicating that I successfully "shot" them.

A tracker was attached on my military uniform so they would see my progress and location, and I wore a headset with microphone so I could communicate with them.

  "I took two of them," I responded with a serious, Japanese accent.

  "Good, continue on," Ron replied. "Remember when I was in the military for 3 years before I became a police officer? That's one of the basics in combat training."

Yeah, I remembered the time my older brother joining the military for 3 years so he could ponder and think about what he wants to be in the future.

And so, I continued on.

One time, while running, I got shot by Robert with his trusty sniper rifle, and I was almost down to the ground, on my first lesson.

But, me and Toshi simultaneously said to ourselves, "We can do this together!"

I then stand up and try to shoot Robert with my pistol, but to no avail, so I just retreated and run away.

  "You just missed your target," Kaleb said to me.

  "Yeah, I can't shoot that high," I replied back.

  "It's okay, but next time, try to shoot higher."

I then nodded. "Okay, I'll try."

After that, I jumped over a low fence, and reloaded my pistol.

  "Man, this weapon is so cool," I thought to myself.

As I continued on, I felt that I was in a video game, but in real life and without health bars.

The training was hard, with me hiding, shooting, and dodging.

I remembered those days of gaming and how useful they are for a situation like this.

  9:44 a.m. I was cornered at a dead end, and two infected soldiers are aiming their guns towards me. I then looked at them while bracing for impact without even fighting back. But then, one of the infected soldiers put down his gun and said to me, "Okay, your first lesson is over for now. Give it up."

I then lower my guard down and responded, "Was it?"

  "Yes, and we'll teach you the real stuff," the other infected soldier replied while lowering his gun down.

  "Oh, okay then," I responded back.

I then sighed and thought, "Thanks, Toshi-senpai."

  After that, I took a 30-minute break before the actual lesson. What I did is more like a test for me. As I rested on the rooftop, someone came to me and said, "You did a good job out there, Kevin." Upon hearing that, I looked at my right, only to see that it was Wesley and Ron who came to me, and it was Ron who said that.

  "Oh, thanks, big brother," I replied back. "I did my best though."

  "That's okay, you will have real lessons later," Wesley responded.

  "I know, I'm looking forward for it."

  Later, at 10:21 a.m., I went to my first, real lessons on combat and attacking with Robert and another infected soldier named Carmen Noll, who was an expert on assault weapons. The first lessons are a bit hard, but I'm taking notes and sketching diagrams in my extra notebook so I could review them later after that class. While the class is in session, Wesley became a demonstrator on some lessons so I could study them visually. This also includes some tips and strategies to win basically any battle. Me and Wesley, who also wanted to join the military, are the only ones in our class.

  "I don't think anyone else would get these free lessons," I thought to myself.

  Days had passed, and I sharpened my skills in combat, and in those days, I also included my fitness training in my routine. It was quite tougher than it looks, but me, Toshi, and Kako, alongside Wesley, can do and pass this together. At the same time, when it's Sunday, we hold the same church service at the shed as last Sunday.

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