Chapter 4 - Kevin's Fear

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Third person pov  

  Later, the three of them arrived at Kevin's house, greeting Miyo Ann, Kevin's mother.

  "Welcome back, Kevin," Miyo Ann greeted them back as she cleans the living room with a vacuum cleaner. Kevin's younger siblings, Juan and Maria, are playing on the carpet with their toys. Kevin then greeted them as well. Juan and Maria then greeted him back as well.

  "So, how's school, honey?" Miyo asked Kevin meekly and positively.

  "Fine as usual, mom," answered Kevin back. He, Wesley, and Maccoy then headed straight upstairs towards Kevin's bedroom, closing the door slowly and normally.

  At Kevin's bedroom, Kevin was mimicking-playing a piano while listening to some piano music. Wesley was playing Call of Duty in his smartphone; Maccoy was reading a book. The atmosphere around them was calm and peaceful. Then, suddenly, Kevin wanted some ice cream, so he gets off his bed and left the room to get some ice cream from the kitchen.

  Not long after, Kevin went downstairs and headed to the kitchen and get a bowl and a spoon, and opened the freezer part of the fridge to get a tub of cheese-flavored ice cream, before placing it onto the kitchen counter and opened it. He then gets a few spoonful of the frozen treat and puts them into the green, ceramic bowl, before returning the lid onto the tub and put the tub back to the freezer, and closed it. Delighted by this, Kevin carried the bowl with the spoon and returned upstairs. Upon arriving back at his bedroom, Kevin suddenly heard some sounds of zombies growling coming from Wesley's gameplay. He then got terrified instantly.

  "What's wrong, dude?" Wesley asked him upon noticing him.

  "Zombies!" exclaimed Kevin back. He then retreated to his bed and tried to calm down by eating ice cream. Actually, Kevin had kinemortophobia, the fear of zombies.

  Later, at night, it's 7 o'clock, and it's dinner time. Miyo and Maccoy cooked for dinner, and Kevin's father, Estevan Cruz, came home early from his factory workplace to help out his wife and nephews in cooking and preparing dinner. It was long, but their meal is a feast-like one. Kevin and Wesley helped out by setting the dining table as Juan and Maria kept on playing at the living room. And by 7:21 p.m., everyone in the house are now at the table ready to eat. After praying, they all eat up with delight. The atmosphere around them is peaceful and good.

  "So, are you excited to see Ron?" Estevan asked breaking the silence.

  "Oh, yes!" exclaimed Kevin with great enthusiasm. "I can't wait!"

  "I'm excited to see my uncle-in-law," Wesley added brightly.

  "Well then," Estevan made an announcement positively and boldly. "Tomorrow it is."

This excites Kevin and Wesley a lot, and they both shared a high-five.

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