Chapter 27 - The Flashback - Part 3

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Third person pov

  Not long after, they arrived at Kaleb's office, which was barricaded with a desk. This forces John to kick the door open multiple times until it broke open. Kaleb was next to a closed window looking isolated and down, with a blindfold that conceals his eyes. James and John then entered in, and John aimed his gun towards Kaleb just in case.

  "Sir, John is here," James said to Kaleb.

  "Who's John?" Kaleb spoke up.

  "John Worth, sir."

  "I see. What is he doing here?"

Approaching Kaleb while aiming his gun, John responded, "I'm here for a question."

  "Okay, what is it?" Kaleb agreed.

  "When you are zombified, did you shot a kid?" John asked.

  "I remembered shooting a kid with a katana," Kaleb answered back.

  "Okay, that would be a survivor."

  "I see. Tell him I'm sorry."

  "He's currently in a coma."

  "Oh, I hoped he would survive. I shot him twice."

Realizing that Kaleb, like James, had regained his and consciousness and self-awareness and became a Rogue zombie, John lower his gun and asked in confirmation, "So, are you going to bite me?"

  "No, I'm only hungry for actual food that humans eat," Kaleb responded with a monotone voice. "I hoped a cure would be made."

  "Yes, hopefully. By the way, we took in a few more survivors, including a Rogue zombie named Ron Cruz."

Surprised by the new concept, Kaleb asked back, "What is a Rogue zombie?"

John then used Kevin's definition of a Rogue zombie as an explanation to Kaleb.

Half a minute later, Kaleb replied, "I see. That fits our current state."

  "Yes, that kid made that up," John responded back.

  "Oh, really? He's clever."

  "No, at the time, he was desperate."

  "Oh, okay then. Also, you and the survivors may roam in this base whatever and whenever you want."

  "Okay, that'll be great for the capacity. Thanks."
  But, will they find the explanation of how those zombified soldiers became Rogue zombies? Or Kevin will have to do some investigation in the future?

  Back at the sleeping quarters, the survivors, except for Juan, Maria, and Tim, are shocked to hear about Kevin's disability and disorder.

  "Wait, amigo," Isaiah's father commented, "so you're saying that Kevin had Memory Recalling Disorder and Disassociative Identity Disorder?"

  "I never knew about that," Isaiah added.

  "It must be very hard for him to live with that," another survivor, a young American named Jane Sebastian, added a comment.

  "Yes," Ron responded to their comments, "but, he was used to it. He currently had five: Kako, Toshi, Leon, Kakeru, and Kiyoshi. And each of them had a specific role in Kevin's life."

  "Wow, most of those names sounded like Japanese," Jane commented.

  "Yes, Kevin loves anime and manga."

  "But he was so young, amigo. I mean, my son Isaiah started watching anime when he was 14 years old."

  "Kevin started watching it at the age of 10."

  "What? That was quite young."

  "Yeah, our grandparents from my mother's side are otakus as well."

  "Oh, that's why."

  Later, at 1:08 p.m., John returned to the sleeping quarters with some good news: Kaleb and a few zombified soldiers are no longer attacking humans. This news shocks the survivors in the room, except for Kevin, who was still in a coma.

  "Are you sure about, amigo?" Isaiah asked with skepticism. "They can attack us at any time."

  "I'm not sure about this," John responded back as he sat on the floor and put his weapon aside. "I'm skeptical as well. But, we must not let our guard down."

The survivors, except for Kevin, then agreed with him.

  "Also, guys," John said to them, "one of our friends is a zombie as well."

This causes the survivors to panic and freak out a bit.

  "But don't worry," Tim reassured to them. "He's no longer attacking any humans. He's a Rogue zombie now."

In response to that, Ron took off his googles, revealing his blood red eyes.

The survivors are surprised to see that.

Ron then wear back his googles.

  "What's a Rogue zombie?" Jane raised a question.

In response to that, Isaiah used Kevin's definition of a Rogue zombie as an explanation to the survivors.

Half a minute later, the survivors got what Isaiah just said.

  "Oh, that makes sense."

  "Wow, amigo, that's new."

  "That was scientifically impossible."

  "Yes, we and even Kevin don't know how that was possible," John said to them.

Shortly thereafter, the survivors transmitted this news to the other survivors next door by word of mouth. Some believed this while others are skeptical. Eventually, some of the survivors in the room relocated to the other empty rooms on the floor to make space for Ron and his group.

  Then, the next few days, as Kaleb and his division began not attacking humans, most of the survivors went out with their weapons just in case and roam around the base to make room for their new home. They cleaned up and disinfected the mess hall and another building for a school for the children and young adults. John, Tim, and Ron began practicing their shooting skills at the base's shooting range. At the same time, they began offering free shooting lessons to the survivors who want to improve their survival skills. Then, in just less than a week, the entire base was transformed into a little village for the survivors. With the zombified soldiers patrolling the surrounding areas of the base, the survivors began to live a self-sufficient life. Most began to plant crops in flower pots while others make equipment using improvised materials. But, Kaleb gave an order to his zombified soldiers to give most of their equipment, weapons, and armor to the survivors. This improves their survival chances threefold. All of these had happened while Kevin was in a coma.

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