Chapter 11 - Rogue Zombie

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Kevin's pov

"Ah! Who's there?" I asked upon hearing the door being moved.

"Oh, you had survived," the black figure said to me with a rough voice.

"Who are you?" I asked him once again while being terrified.

"It's okay," the black figure reassured him and Juan and Maria as he put the weapons and equipment aside. "I won't hurt all of you."

"Are you sure?" Juan asked in concern.

The black figure then nodded. "Yes. Also, I'm sorry for stabbing you, Kevin."

"How did you know my name?" I asked back.

"That's because..." the black figure responded back. He then took off his mask and goggles, revealing to be none other than Ron himself. He became a Rogue Zombie, a zombie in which it lost its taste and thirst for flesh and blood.
But that concept is actually mine, and I used that as an explanation.

"'s me, brother," Ron completed his sentence.

This shocks all of us, with me commenting, "What? Brother?'"

"Yes," replied Ron back as he gave Kevin a bag of potato chips. "And I'm sorry for killing you."

"It-It's okay," I responded back while being mildly terrified. "I forgive you." I then accepted the bag of potato chips, and opened it to eat it in hunger.

"But how did you save big brother?" Maria asked.

Sitting next to his youngest siblings, Ron answered back, "I used the First Aid Kit Kevin brought with him, and I searched for fresh blood bags that matches Kevin's blood type."

"Oh, I see then," I responded back in getting what Ron just said. "Well, thanks. I luckily brought that First Aid Kit in this trip just in case."

This follows with a short silence.

"Anyhow," Ron said to me breaking the silence. "I brought some weapons for you."

He then showed Kevin a katana sword and some daggers.

"Woah, it's my favorite," I commented in amazement. "It's for real?'"

"Yes, you'll be using it to survive against zombies," Ron explained the purpose of it.

"But I'm anxious to do so," I doubted about my ability. "I mean, I'm afraid of violence you know."

"Kevin, you had been watching a lot of anime in your life," Ron responded back. "How come are you so afraid of violence?"

"Um, it's's different from the anime," I voiced out my reason why.

"Ah, I see then," Ron responded back. "Well, get used to it."

I then remembered what Wesley told me more than a month ago, connecting the dots of how to survive during a zombie apocalypse.

"You're right." I nodded in agreement. "I'll just put my fears aside and just focus on surviving. And plus, I am biased to myself."

Third person point of view

Later at night, as the sound of gunshots prevailed from the outside, Kevin and his siblings are eating chips and burgers for dinner. The atmosphere around them is eerily quiet.

"So, what are we gonna do, big brother?" Kevin asked breaking the silence.

"We're going to get out of this city by tomorrow morning," answered Ron back seriously while eating his burger. He substituted flesh with human food like burgers and chips.

"Is that long?" Maria asked in concern.

"I'm not sure. I think it'll take hours since we are in a big city."

"How about a map?" Juan made a suggestion.

"I'm not sure as well. You have a phone, right?"

"Yes, but mine is now in low battery."

"That's gonna be a problem. You're gonna need that for navigation and seeing in the dark."


"It's okay," Kevin replied in response. "You can use mine. It's still more than 90% full."

"Oh, thanks, big brother."

Kevin then smiled at him.

Later, at 9:29 p.m., Ron managed to discharge Kevin from the IV pole because the blood bag was now empty, meaning that the blood transfusion was done.

"Thanks, big brother," Kevin happily responded.

"You're welcome," replied Ron back positively. "But your wounds are still healing up so be careful, okay?"
"Okay!" He then said that line in Japanese.

At 10 in the evening, while the others are asleep on the floor, Kevin was still awake, looking at the ceiling, as if he had insomnia.

"How I supposed to survive this?" he asked himself in his mind. "What if I could imitate what the anime had taught me? Let's just see."

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