Chapter 18 - Another Chance

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Third person pov

  A month had passed, and Wesley woke up, alive and well, but a bit disoriented. His glasses and pistols are on the nightstand waiting to be used. His backpack and other weapons are beside the nightstand as well. Furthermore, a blood was being flowed to his body from a blood bag mounted on an IV pole.

  "Woah, what happened to me?" he asked himself. He then get up and looked around his surroundings, only to see a seemingly abandoned room.

  "Where am I?" he asked himself again. He then looked down on his chest, only to see a bunch of bandages wrapped around his chest near to the heart.

  "Did I got shot?" he asked himself for the third time.

  And then, suddenly, Dr. Ray came in, causing Wesley to grab his glasses and one of his pistols and aim the latter towards him, knowing that he was a zombie. But, Ray became a Rogue zombie now.

  "Woah, it's okay," Ray told him calmly while holding a clipboard containing medical records. "I won't hurt you."

  "But you're a zombie!" Wesley shouted back seriously. "Of course you're going to bite me!"

Putting the clipboard aside, Ray checked the blood bag and tapped on it a few times.

  "How are you?" he asked Wesley.

Putting his pistol down while calming down, Wesley simply answered back, "Um, I'm fine. I felt that I'm alive again."

  "Oh, I shot you a month ago."

This shocks Wesley a lot.

  "A month ago?!"

  "Yes, you had been in a coma for over a month," Ray responded back, "and I'm sorry. I think this virus had caused me to do this."

The last response puzzles Wesley.

Wesley's pov

What does he mean "this virus had caused me to do this?" Did he mean that the virus was genetically engineered to allow normal zombies to hold and wield weapons? I think so. I mean, I saw him holding a powerful sniper rifle and shot me almost to death.

After some examination, the infected scientist said to me, "I'm Doctor Ray Kony by the way. What's yours, kid?"

It's true that I am a kid by period. I am 15 years old after all. So, I took a deep breath, and responded back, "I'm Wesley Magkalon Kurusawa-Casas. Nice to meet you, Dr. Ray."

  "Magkalon Kurusawa?" Ray responded back in mild stunning. "That's strange."

  "Well, I hate to break it to you," I replied back in an explanation, "but I am a half-Filipino, half-Japanese, and my mother is a Japanese while my father is a Filipino. I lived in Tokyo, Japan."

Understanding and digesting this info, Ray replied back, "I see. Well, that was unique of you."

  "Thanks," I responded back positively and normally.

Third person pov

Later at noon, Wesley was eating lunch, which only consisted of a sandwich and a bottle of mineral water, while Ray was cleaning his sniper rifle.

  "Hey, Wesley," Ray said to Wesley.

  "What is it, Ray-san?" Wesley replied back while looking at him.

  "Thanks for taking down the zombies in my lab," Ray replied in response. "So you and I will be safe."

  "Oh, you're welcome," Wesley responded back. "And also, I forgive you for killing me as well."


  By one in the afternoon, Wesley was lying on his bed when he suddenly remembered the time Ken was killed by terrorists. This memory haunts him a lot and even caused him to cry and shed tears of sadness. And then, Ray noticed this right away and ran to him, asking, "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

Sobbing, Wesley looked at him and responded back, "My uncle..."

  "What about your uncle?" Ray replied back. "What about him?"

  "He was killed by a bunch of bad guys," Wesley finally answered back.

  "What? Really?"

Wesley then nodded. "Yes, and I loved him so much."

He then hold back his anger with sadness and declared, "I wanted revenge for his death!"

Listening to his angry and sad words, Ray understood his feelings and desires and responded back, "I see. Good luck with that."

  Later at 3 in the afternoon, Ray discharged Wesley from the IV pole and allowed him to go around his lab whenever and whatever he wants. 

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