Chapter 42 - The Council of St. Galen

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Maccoy's pov

I died, or did I?

  I woke up, looking at the ceiling. The light was on, albeit fluctuating repeatedly.

  "What happened to me?" I asked myself, before getting up, feeling disoriented.

  "Man, I felt so disoriented," I said to myself while feeling the pain on my forehead. "Must be a lack of blood flowing to my brain."

I did learn a bit of medical knowledge but not further.

I then looked around, only to see my bag on a table.

  "My stuff...," I thought.

I then frantically looked around once more while asking, "Who saved me? Hello?"

I then looked at my arms, which was covered with bandages, before looking in my chest under my polo shirt, seeing the same bandages.

I still remembered being shot that day, and my sacrifice thanks to my nonviolent nature and beliefs.

  "Woah, who did that?" I asked in my mind.

  Then, I heard the door being opened, and a man, the same man armed with an AK-47 rifle, came in with a tray of food and water. I'm not that afraid due to my Christian faith, so I just causally asked that man, "Um, are you going to feed me with that?"

  "Oh, you had survived," the man replied back. "Well, it's been 1 month, 2 weeks, 4 days, and 20 hours."

  "Wait, what?" I asked back. "That long?"

The man then nodded to say yes.

He then placed the tray of food and drink on the table and come forward to me, apologizing for his and his comrade's murder of him and attempt to turn me into a zombie.

I then get the first part, but was shocked at the last, responding, "What? A zombie?!"

  "Yes, and we were tasked by our organization leader to spread the zombie virus in the entirety of the East Coast," the man responded back in admitting.

  "Oh," I replied.

  "Yes, and we're sorry," the man repeated his apology. "You're too young to die. We'll do anything for you."

But, I responded back, "It's okay. That's fine. I was ready to die for God."

Yes, I am a Christian Baptist, while Wesley is a moderate Methodist and Kevin an evangelical, Filipino Reformed, with the latter belonging to a denomination known as the Filipino Bible Reformed Church.

I am a pacifist by belief, but it's now debatable for me personally.

  "Oh, so you're religious?" the man asked back.

  "Yes, and I am a Filipino Christian born in the Philippines," I answered back positively. "My name is Maccoy Asano Casas-Cruz."

I then bowed as a greeting because I am an otaku, and I adopted some of the Japanese cultural customs.

  "Wow, you're a foreigner?" replied the man.

I then nodded. "Yes, and I am currently a second-year student in senior high school. "

  "I see," the man replied back.

He then put his gun aside and continued, "By the way, my name is Gregory. Nice to meet you, Maccoy."

  "Nice to meet you, too, Gregory-san," I replied back.

After that, this man, Gregory, gave me that tray of food and drink, saying, "I bet you're hungry. Here's some food and water from the terminal food court."

Receiving the said tray, I replied, "Oh, thanks."

The food consisted of 3 pork buns and a side of Caesar salad, complete with some utensils.
I then grabbed one of the pork buns and eat it fast because I was starving.

  Later, at 11 in the morning, as indicated by the time in my phone and with no one around in the clinic, I grabbed a piece of paper bag nearby, rip it open, grabbed my pen in my polo shirt pocket, and began my "council meeting" with my "members". Currently, my "members are:

Paulo: a Filipino preacher and student

Remar: an Indian administrator

Caldien: an American schoolteacher

I used to do that meeting by talking to myself, but as I grew up, I dropped that habit and instead, conducted it via a series of dialogues written on paper, more specifically, in my separate, private notebook titled, "Records". And in my own imaginary world, that "council" took place in my own kingdom known as St. Galen.

[Paper Council Chat]

Maccoy: Hey, guys, sorry. Something bad happened to me.

Remar: What is it?
Maccoy: Some bad people tried to kill me and turned me into a zombie.

(The rest are shocked to hear that.)

Paulo: What? I thought zombies are not real.

Maccoy: Now it's for real, and it's a biological warfare.

Caldien: Wow, that was scary.

Maccoy: Yeah.

Paulo: Okay, but still. We should not fight back. Just let it be, whether we would die or not.

Remar: Really? It's a zombie outbreak out there, and you're saying we all should be pacifist?
Paulo: I know it's painful to feel persecution, but we will be free from this world when Maccoy get to heaven.

Caldien: Okay then. Let's just try our best to survive.

Maccoy: Yeah, but, there will be a fourth possible member for all of us, and that member will take a violent side and attitude. And, he will either wield guns or a katana, or both, possibly.

(The rest was shocked to hear that.)

Paulo: What? Really? Well, I can't say anything about it, if it's your decision. I'll accept whatever would happen in the future then.

Remar: Yeah, we'll welcome him then.

Paulo: Aww, thanks, you guys.

[End of Paper Council Chat]

Yeah, just like Wesley and Kevin, I suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder.

  After that, I folded that flattened paper bag containing my next entry of Records, and put it on the table nearby, before placing my pen on it. I then continued resting up so my shot wounds would heal themselves up.

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