chapter 1

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Disclaimer: i do not own none of these

these are the following characters, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, Blaise zabani, Lorenzo Birkshire, Astoria Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson and Cordela Lestrange.

Cordela Lestrange is a enemy and THE ONLY character so far that ive created. She's sisters, to Mattheo Riddle and Delphini Lestrange.

You play the roll of Y/n Malfoy. Y/n=Your name.
Your whole friend group is death eaters, Mattheo is your enemy since you met him.

[Y/ns Pov]

We were all standing in the boys dorm, silently. Where is Cordela?! I thought. Though Cordella was most certainly a rivalry, she was still coming to the manor with us for break. Christmas break.

It felt like everyone was angry at one another. Lorenzo and Theodore werent talking, Astoria and Draco argued last night, Blaise and Pansy are a miserable couple, and lastly me and Mattheo were eyeing eachother as if we were only so close to murdering eachother.

Which could possibly be true but thats besides the point. Suddenly Dracos phone rang. Mother. "Yes?" Draco asked abrubtly. "Where are you!? We have an issue and we need you here instantly." Mother argued. "Were all waiting for Cordela." Draco explained. "Yes dear. Thats our issue. Just hurry and get here." Mother hung up on him.

"It's Cordela. Come on." Draco insisted as we all placed our hands on our luggage and grasped the port key that we got long ago. It specifically led to the manor.

Within moments we were standing right on the manor's doorstep. Me and draco pushed open the doors. "We'll cover the luggage. I hear they need Y/n and Mattheo in there as soon as possible." One of the house elfs said. "What the hell.." I mumbled. Me and Mattheo rushed into the meeting room. The rest of the friendgroup rushed in after us.

"You two. Sit." Voldemorte pointed at me and Mattheo. We instantly sat in our spots that were assigned to us. Which were the two seats closest to voldemorte. "As you know there are many little under the table corporations, that believe they can take down us death eaters." Voldemort announced.

I tried to keep a professional look, but all i could think was how this tied to me, mattheo, and cordela? Two people i cannot stand. "With that said, one of them have made a move. A little pounce." Voldemort added. "Where is this going my lord?" I asked, tempted to walk out and lay on my soft bed a few doors down.

"They lay hold of dearest Cordela Lestrange." Voldemort finally announced. Mattheo sat back with a scoff. "What does that have to do with any of us Father?" Mattheo asked. I could tell he was just as bored as anyone else, and weve only been here for a few moments. "I need you and Y/n to liberate Cordela. Theyre a very little corporation and have no harm to us. But it would relieve a little extra weight if we completely wiped the corporate out. Theyre planted amongst the woods and they only have one headquarters. This task will only take 3-4 days maximum. With that you will have to camp. But we have great supply. If you can knock out a few of the members within the radius then it will ease the situation. Im sure the two of you are familiar with the area, fore we know you've visited it before, so i have a portkey that leads you about halfway. Youll know youve followed the right steps if you get visitors within the first night, which you will kill. They will be from the corporate i promise. The headquarters will look like a small abandoned warehouse, but trust me its a bit more renovated then it seems. The calculated members sits at roughly 19, give or take. The two of you will leave tonight." Voldemort gave a full rundown of the task given to me and Mattheo.
that was the end of chapter 1!! the next should be out soon or might already be out by the time you read this. I know it kind of took a weird turn and might of been explained weirdly but the next chapter will be a little more clearer if you didnt understand now. You can also message me if you need a better explanation!! total word count is 724

leave any thoughts or comments here!!


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