Chapter 29

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[Mattheos Pov]

Something about seeing her cry shifted something in me. her eyes were swelling with tears and her face was red. Amelia didnt seem like an emotional person so i guess she kind of fit in with me and Y/n, but this? This was going to be bad.

Im not sure if she got bullied, or maybe bad marks or a professor is giving her a rough time but whatever it is i refuse to let it slide.

Astoria was sat by her and before i knew it me and Y/n were rushed up next to her aswell. She handed Y/n a type of letter that was hidden in her hands. I watched Y/n grow furious with looks as she read this note. "Oh my god." Y/n mumbled.

She instantly handed me the note to read in too much shock to speak.

Dear Amelia, Me and your father wish you well at hogwarts but you will not be accepted into our household again. First you get selected in slytherin and now after seeing you at christmas break we saw how much you changed within one semester?! Were seeing if its possible to get any of your aunts maybe to take care of you, but so far its not looking well.. during spring break we want you to collect the rest of your belongings.

I felt furious at the letter. I was pissed beyond words. "Amelia. Where do you live?" Y/n asked. "Feild drive. Its alot of land and daisys. Theres a pond in our front yard." She explained without realizing what was happening.

"Me and Y/n have to make a quick stop. You stay with our friends and they will let you sleep in here tonight. We should be back soon, okay?" I insisted as i stood up.

They looked at us confused as i grasped Y/ns hand and the both of us disappeared.

[Y/ns Pov]

I wasnt really sure what me and Mattheo could of possibly done about this but we left off and now we were standing in the middle of a path like road and kept walking until we saw a fromt yard with a pond.

"There." I eyed a house in a decent distance from where we are now. We both rushed over to it and didnt bother knocking or making our appearance more formal, but rather opened the door in which happened to be unlocked.

We both walked in. The married couple was sitting at a counter with coffee mugs in their hands. The woman looked sad. Her eyes were a bit puffy and the man looked upset though he was still trying to comfort her.

"What the hell?!" The woman looked at us. "Hi. I believe you two must be the coward parents of Amelia Green." I smirked. "Oh.. yes weve been hoping you'd come. Y/n and Mattheo riddle right?" The lady got down from the barstool and walked over to us.

Me and Mattheo nodded now more confused then pissed. Howd they know it was us? And why were they expecting us in the first place?

"I know you must think were horrible parents and cowards! But let me explain! Amelia is different. Shes our baby of course, but we have a 6 generations worth of ravenclaws. And Amelia is a Slytherin. Which usually wouldnt be anything, but shes different. Our family has a certain way of commitment, but Amelia? We knew when she was born she was different. And we have another child on the way, we cant support her. Its almost like were not aloud. She has needs that we cant suit. So please. Were begging you at this point. We'll even pay you. We cant keep her. It's dangerous and unfair to all of us if we dont let her be herself. What im trying to say is please sign these damn adoption papers." The lady pleaded me and mattheo.

I was in shock. Adoption?! "You want to 18-19 yr olds to raise your daughter? Amelia?" I asked. "Yes! Shes already growing up on her own, shes very independent. All we ask is that you keep us updated and take her under your wing. Shes almost 12. Even if we have to play the role of the villain we need her to be okay. People that understand her. People that can and do love her. Amelia simply wasnt made for us. We can help guide you when it comes to taking care of her. A-and we have all of her stuff ready for you when your able to come get it! We just cant. Its starting to effect us." She begged.

Mattheo glanced at me. "Youre forced to play the villan now. And we dont want your money. If we need your financial support for her we'll ask and me and my fiancé will ask for it. We can support her. We can sign." Mattheo gave a cold answer.
End of chapter 29! I hope you enjoyed!! I lowkey rushed this chapter a bit but the parents are also desperate. If you don't understand, their kind of effected mentally and physically because Amelia basically has a different magic usage then her real family, but blends in with Mattheo and You. Lmk if your confused or anything!

Leave any thoughts here! The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this!!

Bye!{912 words}

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